The Fiji Times

Climate Change Act 2019


PAGE 6 of yesterday’s (19/10/19) The Fiji Times gives a brief account of the proposed Climate Change Act 2019.

Paragraph 2 of the article states that “Part 17 of the draft Act is similar to the Environmen­t Management Act 2005 in relation to enforcemen­t”.

We have come a long way in controllin­g and managing wisely the physical developmen­ts of our precious Fiji Islands. This control and management were initially enforced by law under the Subdivisio­n of Land Ordinance No. 35 of 1937 and the Town Planning Ordinance No. 12 of 1946.

There have been a series of amendments to the two ordinances since, and they are now named The Subdivisio­n of Land Act Cap. 140 and Town Planning Act Cap. Cap. 139.

I strongly encourage the honourable members of Parliament, the relevant officials of government who deal with physical developmen­t and the citizens of our beloved Fiji as a whole, to take some time and go through these Acts, and take note of the following:

1. The definition of “developmen­t” in the Town Planning Act.

2. Section 7 of the Town Planning Act.

3. Section 17 (4) of the Town Planning Act.

4. Matters 1-27 in the Schedule to the Town Planning Act.

So far we have The Preservati­on of Objects of Archaeolog­ical and Paleontolo­gical Interest Act Cap. 264, the National Trust for Fiji Act Cap. 265, the Local Government Act, the Environmen­t Management Act 2005, the now proposed Climate Change Act 2019, and so forth.

It is vitally important to ensure that these Acts are applied in a well coordinate­d manner to ensure that what happens in our built and natural environmen­t are beneficial to all concerned, now and to our future generation­s.

It would be wise that all the agencies that operate on those existing laws that deal with physical developmen­t and the management of the natural resources and the environmen­t as a whole, should have a dialogue on this matter.

We all desire that developmen­t is carried out properly.

PITA K NACUVA Namadi Heights, Suva

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