The Fiji Times

How Your Donated Funds are used


Achildhood cancer diagnosis does not just affect the child diagnosed. It affects the en re matavuvale – brothers, sisters, mum, and dada. With your support, WOWS Kids Fiji has been able to support them all. Vinaka Vakalevu. WOWS Kids Fiji core func ons are to provide a support mechanism for all families that have a child living with cancer and to create awareness on child cancer issues in the country. WOWS Kids Fiji provides support to a total of 60 – 70 families in any given me.

Accessing Treatment

Lautoka General Hospital = Western Division CWM Hospital = Central, Eastern and Northern Division

“Once a child is diagnosed with any form of cancer, WOWS Kids Fiji is informed upon which support is provided. Listed herea er are the support and awareness programs provided by the organiza on”.

WOWS Kids Fiji ensures that parents are able to keep to their child’s treatment schedule, appointmen­ts and reviews. This includes transporta on on main land Vi Levu and from the outer islands

Weekly Shopping & Phone Vouchers

These help lighten the financial burden and keep communica ons open

Awareness Outreach

This is one our major tasks, promo ng awareness of child cancer, with our campaign focusing on early detec on.

Overseas Treatment Assistance

towards transporta on, treatment, medica on and accommoda on is provided for any of our children that requires overseas treatment. Assistance is also provides for visa and passport applica on

Accommoda on

For children and their families who are from rural areas and islands when on main land Vi Levu for treatment

Equipping of Pediatric Oncology Unit

In close collabora on with the Ministry of Health and hospital we help provide facili es and equipment for treatment and give our children a more comfortabl­e environmen­t.

Back to school readiness

Our children spend a lot of me out of school due to cancer treatment and recovery, we assist in the process of ge ng them school ready.

Empowermen­t workshops and family support

The psychologi­cal, physical, social and financial burdens takes its toll on the whole family. We organize empowermen­t workshops to provide coping skills to our families such as financial and small business management, stress and mental stability and a parent’s support group.

Monthly Family Days and Birthday Celebra on

Some of our children may not reach their next birthdays so we organize monthly family days - where there is something for everyone and birthdays are celebrated.

Funeral Assistance

Unfortunat­ely not all out children make it, we assist with funeral expenses and counsellin­g.

Pallia ve Care Support

Ensure our champions receive best care and support at home with their loved ones

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