The Fiji Times

Growth trajectory

Manufactur­er not moved by competitio­n


PIONEER manufactur­er of Fijian made footwear — Soqoiwasa Marketing Company Ltd — is not moved by stiff competitio­n provided by other local footwear manufactur­es.

Company managing director Alesi Soqoiwasa said the company continued to grow since its establishm­ent in 1995.

The company, which operates its main manufactur­ing complex in Valelevu, Nasinu is the main manufactur­er and distributo­r of the renowned Lako Tu brand which has been widely used by hundreds of Fijians for many years.

“We maintain our brand as we manufactur­e genuine leather sandals and most Fijians have relied on our brand ever since we started,” Mrs Soqoiwasa said.

“We have the California brand that we distribute directly to wholesale and these are expensive footwear as more work is done on it while the other ones are sold at lower prices at shops around the country which are mostly Lako Tu school sandals.

“Our loyal customers have also been some government schools who buy school sandals directly from us at the beginning of the year.”

The Fiji Times team conducted a back to school survey around shops in Lautoka and noticed the increase in the number of locally manufactur­ed school sandals.

Apart from the Lako Tu sandals with prices ranging from $49. 90 to $65.90, there are other local brands like Noqu I Vava, Digi Au, Dara Mada, Buta and Sole Integrity.

Mrs Soqoiwasa said they did notice the increase in the number of local footwear manufactur­es, however, their business continued as normal and their investment remained at a high since it started 24 years ago.

She added the company maintained its good quality and business usually picked up for them during this time of the year.

Despite a low sales period after the back to school sales, Soqoiwasa Marketing continued its business to provide the best locally-made footwear to the Fijian people.

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