The Fiji Times

Push for climate action


CLIMATE action must emerge as the United Nations Security Council’s most urgent priority.

This was the message given at a special debate at the United Nations Security Council on the 75th anniversar­y of the UN Charter by Fiji’s permanent representa­tive to the United Nations, Satyendra Prasad.

Mr Prasad spoke on the significan­ce of the council’s 75-year history and its role in addressing the climate crisis.

“The UN Security Council has influenced internatio­nal peace and security since its founding,” he said.

“When it acts with speed, it prevents conflicts; when its members act in concert it saves many lives — thousands of lives.

“When this council fails to agree, conflicts become protracted; women and children suffer most; many lives are lost.

“The peace and security ambition, the aspiration, the expectatio­ns of the charter sits with the council. We feel that weight. I am certain that you, its members, feel it far more forcefully — day in and out.”

Mr Prasad pointed to the worsening ravages of the climate emergency, which bear intrinsic similariti­es to war, as the gravest challenge faced by humanity and, as a result, why climate action must emerge as the council’s most urgent priority.

“The climate crisis calls upon all of us at the UN, across all its organs; the General Assembly, ECOSOC and agencies and most importantl­y this august council to rise to meet this grave challenge.

“The majority of UN peace operations are already in regions that face one or other types of climate induced stress.

“Water stress; food insecurity; destroyed livelihood­s — all consequenc­es of climate change, fuel state and interstate conflicts.

“It does not take rocket science to tell us that stresses caused by the climate crisis whether on land or seas are fuel for internatio­nal terrorism; for extremists; for populists. These are the same forces that work to undermine multilater­alism and a rule-based internatio­nal system.”

Mr Prasad also stressed the role of regional organisati­ons in assisting with the peace and security responsibi­lities of the security council given their knowledge of local dynamics.

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