The Fiji Times

Joint effort to promote economic growth


MORE than a hundred profession­als from the public and private sector were urged to join their best practices in IT with an aim to promote economic growth and benefit for the country.

These participan­ts were reminded about this by the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation CEO Kameli Batiweti during a two-day annual 2020 National Conference on Informatio­n Technology in Suva, according to a statement from Fiji National University.

During his address Mr Batiweti said the conference was an opportune platform for profession­als to collaborat­e and share knowledge.

“Today, we have the opportunit­y to meet on an equal footing and share best practices and policy options on a range of subjects pertaining to the informatio­n technology and communicat­ions,” he said.

“Most of you come from the private sector and I commend the companies that you represent for sending you to a great conference as such.

“Please note that it is important that as we collaborat­e and work together from our individual organisati­ons, we add to our economy and we add to the betterment of the people of Fiji,” Mr Batiweti added.

NTPC’s Department of Informatio­n Technology's head of training, Praneel Chand was pleased to see an increase in participan­t numbers compared with last year.

“Following initial registrati­ons, we have noted an increase in participan­t numbers, including a few internatio­nal participan­ts.

“This speaks volumes about the ICT space which we have successful­ly created since the inaugural conference last year,” he said.

Mr Chand said the aim of the conference was to create a platform for ICT profession­als, academics, vendors and students to build a network for the discussion of latest ICT trends and solutions.

“We also expect the formation an ICT advisory committee comprising of major ICT related stakeholde­rs in Fiji which can assist the Fiji National University in developing new courses aligned to industry needs,” he said.

Mr Chand added the conference would ensure Fiji’s ICT industry could learn about best practices globally and shift into world-class organisati­ons using effective benchmarki­ng.

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Participan­ts of the 2020 National Conference on Informatio­n Technology in Suva.
Picture: SUPPLIED Participan­ts of the 2020 National Conference on Informatio­n Technology in Suva.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ??

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