The Fiji Times

Coronaviru­s pandemic drives strong demand for local produce

- ■ ABC

As HUMANITY’S most pressing health crisis plays out across the globe, Australian consumers appear to be rushing to boost their immunity with locally grown vegetables.

Broccoli grower Brad Ipsen said demand for the vegetable was the strongest he had seen.

Mr Ipsen, who is based in the West Australian food bowl of Manjimup, works in one of the few industries enjoying a windfall from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This season has been really good

… with the latest impacts with coronaviru­s and health issues, vegetables are a vitamin pill themselves,” he said.

“But I think that's widespread too, other people are telling me the same thing. Prices have been strong across all vegetable commoditie­s — demand has been good.”

Mr Ipsen said after years of volatility the stars had aligned to position the industry to reap the benefits of strong demand, solid prices and high-quality produce.

“We didn't really predict it was going to be this good, but the indication­s were that there were water shortages in the production areas on the east coast, but no-one really foresaw how that would impact us.”

Dieticians said they were encouraged by consumer behaviour given the health benefits in preventing illness and disease.

Breaking down the latest news and research to understand how the world is living through an epidemic, this is the ABC’s Coronacast.

Margaret Hays from the Australian Dieticians Associatio­n said people underestim­ated the importance of consuming fresh fruit and vegetables to prevent becoming sick.

“Eating fresh fruit and veg gives us a really big intake of antioxidan­ts, which is really helpful for boosting our immunity,” she said.

“My advice to people who are trying to prevent coronaviru­s getting to them and to their families, is to eat as healthy as you can.

“Get two pieces of fruit a day, lots of vegetables — up to five servings a day — lean meats, fish, chicken, vegetarian sources of proteins — nuts and seeds — and low-fat dairy products.”

Vegetables WA chief executive John Shannon said that while not all primary producers were benefiting, the majority of the state's Midwest and South West were in a good position to capitalise on growing demand.

 ?? Picture: ABC South West ??
Picture: ABC South West

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