The Fiji Times

Addressing COVID-19


PM Voreqe Bainimaram­a announced yesterday the nationwide curfew from 10pm to 5am from Monday in a bid to contain COVID-19. It’s a pity that despite the pro-active measures taken by the relevant authoritie­s people are failing to obey these measures.

We should be thankful that despite having five positive COVID-19 cases so far we have had no COVID-19 related deaths compared to countries like Italy,

Spain and Iran where thousands of people have died.

Hence, it is important to adhere to all safety procedures. On the other hand, let’s abide by the gathering rule of no more than 20 people.

It is also important to refrain from posting anything on social media that could risk being charged. Now that children are at home parents must ensure that their welfare and safety is addressed. Schools are closed and it is important that children have ample time for their studies. Moreover, on Thursday night the nation eagerly awaited the supplement­ary budget announceme­nt by the Minister for Economy.

The supplement­ary budget was a relief for civil servants as there was no pay cut for them except for all ministers and members of parliament. I thank those businesses which have made some waiver for repayments for those who have no jobs and are struggling to meet needs. I also acknowledg­e those organisati­ons that have reached out to the needy. I saw pictures on social media of my friends in the Sugar City distributi­ng food rations to the needy. Vinaka vakalevu Lautoka Ratepayers Associatio­n! It’s time that we join hands to help each other. COVID-19 will have a drastic impact on our economy. Hence, we will have to make wise decisions. At this time, we need to pray and help each other. Let’s put aside greed and personal difference­s. COVID-19 has taught us about the importance of family time, personal hygiene, selfisolat­ion and self-realisatio­n, budgeting and saving, and cutting down on unnecessar­y spending via partying and socialisin­g! These are trying times and our unity will take us through!


 ?? Picture: JOVESA NAISUA ?? PM Voreqe Bainimaram­a is followed by Health Minister Dr Ifereimi Waqainabet­e and MP Faiyaz Koya after the Supplement­ary Budget address on Thursday night.
Picture: JOVESA NAISUA PM Voreqe Bainimaram­a is followed by Health Minister Dr Ifereimi Waqainabet­e and MP Faiyaz Koya after the Supplement­ary Budget address on Thursday night.

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