The Fiji Times

‘When in war, follow law’


OPPOSITION parliament­arian Pio Tikoduadua said while Fiji was engaged in a war against COVID-19, that did not mean parliament­ary rules could be changed to fast track a supplement­ary budget to address the deadly virus.

“Honourable prime minister has declared a war on COVID-19,” he said, while speaking in Parliament on Thursday.

“We are all fighting COVID-19 because it affects our very lives and the lives of our family and our loved ones.

“However, even in war there are rules of war.

“When we are in war, we follow the law.

“What is such the urgency about having to limit the rights of representa­tives of half of the people, understand­ing the urgency.

“Of course, we understand the urgency, but why waive all these rules.”

The National Federation Party president said if the very law enshrined in Standing Orders was going to limit the very rights of the House “to stand for what we advocate for in terms of the rule of law, then I have serious doubts about the motivation”.

Mr Tikoduadua said he understood urgency was needed to address the COVID-19 issue but he could not condone circumvent­ing the rules to do it.

Leader of Government in Parliament Inia Seruiratu moved that the following Standing Orders be suspended — Standing Order 68(1), to exempt the COVID-19 response to the budget address from the ordinary speaking time limitation­s, Standing

Orders 102, 104 to 108 to expedite the COVID-19 response budget process through Parliament to allow the Fijian Government to urgently respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and Standing Orders 23(1) and 34 to allow the COVID-19 response budget process to take place on Thursday and yesterday.

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