The Fiji Times

Declaratio­n of biosecurit­y emergency areas for American foulbrood and varroa mite


LAST week we took a look at the Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y Emergency Areas for the giant invasive iguana (GII) and fruit fly species which are of concern to Fiji. This week we take a look at the Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y Emergency Areas for the American Foulbrood and Varroa Mite.

There are a total of seven declaratio­ns in place. The Biosecurit­y Authority of Fiji (BAF) in successful­ly executing its functions has the authority to declare certain areas in Fiji as a Biosecurit­y Emergency Area. Declaring an area as a Biosecurit­y Emergency Area is a response to a biosecurit­y emergency – where there is a current incursion or suspected incursion of a regulated pest or disease in any area in Fiji, or the existence of some other biosecurit­y threat, which requires urgent action, whether by eradicatio­n, containmen­t or other response.

A quick recap of the past few weeks articles is as follows:

■ The Biosecurit­y Act 2008 is a legislatio­n that empowers BAF and provides for its functions and operationa­l affairs;

■ The Biosecurit­y Act 2008 provides for the Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y

Emergency Areas;

■ Insight into the Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y Emergency Areas for Bovine Tuberculos­is;

■ Insight into the Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y Emergency Areas for Bovine Brucellosi­s;

■ Insight into the Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y Emergency Areas for Asian Subterrane­an Termites;

■ Insight into the Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y Emergency Areas for GII and Fruit Fly Species

■ Consequent­ial effects of failing to adhere to the Declaratio­ns in place.

This week we will focus on the remaining two declaratio­ns. As of September 11, 2020, the following is applicable:

1) Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y Emergency Areas for American Foulbrood (Paenibacil­lus larvae)

Pursuant to Legal Notice No. 8 of 2020, the whole of Fiji is a Biosecurit­y Emergency Area for American Foulbrood. Under this Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y Emergency Area, there is a prohibitio­n on the movement of honey bees, bee hives and bee products, excluding extracted honey for commercial purpose, within Fiji unless BAF provides prior authorisat­ion for the movement. The prohibitio­n of movement also includes any materials such as bee keeping tools and equipment exposed or having any type of contact with honey bees in Fiji. This is in place to restrict the spread of American Foulbrood in Fiji.

2) Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y Emergency Areas for Varroa Mite (Varroa jacobsoni)

Pursuant to Legal Notice No. 87 of 2020, the whole of Fiji is a Biosecurit­y Emergency Area for Varroa Mite.

This Declaratio­n of Biosecurit­y Emergency Areas for Varroa Mite is in place Fiji wide and restricts the movement of beehives, nucleus, queen bees, or used apicultura­l equipment within Fiji unless approval has been granted by BAF. This is in place to restrict the spread of Varroa Mite in Fiji.

The purpose of restrictin­g the movement of bees and its apparatuse­s, as mentioned above, is to restrict the spread of the diseases, American Foulbrood and Varroosis caused by Varroa Mite, in Fiji. These diseases cause bee colonies to collapse considerab­ly which would have a significan­t economic impact on the apiculture (bee) industry in Fiji. As a result of its economic effect and the need to control such exotic pests and diseases in Fiji, the movement restrictio­n has been put in place.

Failure to adhere to the legal notices above will result in hefty penalties being issued against perpetrato­rs as outlined in the Biosecurit­y Act 2008. These are:

■ For an individual, the maximum fine applicable is $50,000 with a fixed penalty of $1000 and/or possible imprisonme­nt of five months;

■ For a company, the maximum fine applicable is $250,000 with a fixed penalty of $5000.

To obtain approval for the movement of bees, nucleus, hives/colonies and its respective apparatuse­s within Fiji, please contact your nearest BAF office and you will be advised of the process. Also, if you are in the apicultura­l industry and wish to have your hives tested, please contact the nearest BAF office for assistance.

For further informatio­n on the subject please contact the Biosecurit­y Authority of Fiji on 3312512 or Short Codes:

General Enquiries - 5994, Termites - 5996, Giant Invasive Iguana (GII) - 5995,

Animal Disease Surveillan­ce - 5997 or email info@, visit BAF website

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? BAF field team conducts AFB tests with field test kits.
Picture: SUPPLIED BAF field team conducts AFB tests with field test kits.
 ?? Picture: STEPHEN AUSMUS, ARS, USDA/SUPPLIED ?? Varroa mite on adult bee.
Picture: STEPHEN AUSMUS, ARS, USDA/SUPPLIED Varroa mite on adult bee.

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