The Fiji Times

COVID self-assessment­s


THERE is nothing like a global pandemic, lockdown, isolation, redundancy and unemployme­nt that has valued and support of friends and relationsh­ips more than ever.

Thanks to the latest technologi­es of communicat­ions that keeps us in touch whenever we are with feelings that the world is a small place. But at times we feel living in isolation in our own homes when we are glued to our cell phones, abusing this technology, addicted to it.

Let’s review this with some thoughts for our self-assessment­s and alerting us by looking at some of these COVID culture or COVID language.

Words: Pandemic, isolation, quarantine, border, long-tailed virus, corona, mask, social distancing, lockdown, second wave, self-isolation, curfew, border control, PPE, WFE, Pfizer vaccinatio­n, bubble, unpredicta­ble, sanitiser, cluster, panic buying, bulk buying, community transmissi­on, track and trace.

COVID has forced many of us to rethink how we live for our wellbeing. In this economic climate, we never know when we will lose our jobs, so let’s always be conscious of our needs and wants in these trying times. Plan ahead and save for a rainy day. Adapt and thrive!

TAHIR ALI Hamilton, New Zealand

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