The Fiji Times

Ready to help



THREE Sea Mercy disaster response vessels left for Yadua Island yesterday to assist the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) in its STC Yasa emergency response.

“These three boats took clean water and hygiene kits along with them to provide immediate assistance to those that are affected,” said Sea Mercy fleet co-ordinator Jonathan Robinson

Mr Robinson said more sea mercy yachts were on standby and would await informatio­n from yachts that left yesterday to further analyse how best they could offer more assistance.

“Obviously these yachties are trained people and they know their vessels extremely well as they have sailed halfway around the globe,” he said.

He said each vessel had its own desalinati­on unit on board and they also carried small portable desalinati­on units as well.

“These services, are in urgent need, the need for clean water and we can take this to the remote island villages.

“Our role is to stand in the gap for the smaller communitie­s and provide assistance as soon as possible.”

Mr Robinson said he was calling on all the yachties that were available to provide assistance to those that were affected by STC Yasa, through their yachts and skills.

One of the yachts that left Port Denarau Marina yesterday is Olena. Owner Stephane Chappuis said “all we want to do is to help them get back to their own feet”.

 ?? Picture: REINAL CHAND ?? Switzerlan­d Yacht Olena Captain Stephane Chappuis and his family departed Port Denarau with relief supplies yesterday.
Picture: REINAL CHAND Switzerlan­d Yacht Olena Captain Stephane Chappuis and his family departed Port Denarau with relief supplies yesterday.
 ?? Picture: REINAL CHAND ?? The Olena departs Denarau Port to offer relief assistance to those affected by Cyclone Yasa.
Picture: REINAL CHAND The Olena departs Denarau Port to offer relief assistance to those affected by Cyclone Yasa.
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