The Fiji Times

How to clean a cloudy blender container

- By LOSALINI VUKI What you need

HAVE you had a blender for a while now and start seeing that cloudy film in your container that just won't go away?

Maybe it’s about time you get rid of it — the right way. Not to worry because there is a quick and easy way to clean your blender!

Website reports simple steps to clean a cloudy blender container below.

Baking soda;


Bowl for mixing baking soda and water into a paste;

Scrub pad;

Distilled white vinegar. Make a paste of baking soda and water;

You want your paste thin enough to be spreadable, but thick enough that it will stick on the interior of the unit without dripping down.

Spread the paste inside the container Spread the paste all around the inside of the container, making sure it's somewhat evenly spread throughout. Let it sit for about 20 minutes. Then use your scrub pad to scrub the container. (Work in small sections. You'll need some elbow grease and persistenc­e with your scrubbing.)

Rinse the container.

Rinse out all the paste. It will take a few times to flush all the baking soda from the unit.

If cloudiness remains, fill the container with a cup of white vinegar and water.

A vinegar bath helps cut through any lingering film and helps give your blender container a crystal clarity. Add a cup of white vinegar and fill the rest of the way with warm water. Let it sit for several hours or overnight.

Rinse clean

Your final step is exciting because you'll see how restored your blender unit looks. I dare you not to dry it right away, hold it to the light, and have everyone admire your miraculous blender-cleaning handiwork.

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