The Fiji Times

Power plants - Raw vegan radiance


THE eyes are the light of the soul.

“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light” — Matthew 6:22.

A lot can be revealed just by looking at a person’s face and looking into their eyes. An instant connection and level of trust can be felt or a motion of caution.

Where health is concerned, much can be interprete­d from an individual’s eyes and face. Critical health issues developing within a person can be revealed through changes in the skin, face and eyes, more often than not, without the individual even knowing what’s taking place inside them.

The eyes tell a lot about what’s going on in the body. Even being able to pin-point a pending heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure or arthritis.

The human body is an amazing electrical force that we need to understand. It’s constantly revealing to us if only we will take the time to look and listen.

Eating oxygen-rich raw foods ignites restoratio­n so pure health and vitality can shine from the inside out!

How can we thrive and constantly experience heightened levels of energy, health and radiance?

Well, firstly, we are more than blessed with the immense variety of restorativ­e cuisines within creation, right here in the abundance of our native flora.

When we feed our bodies raw living oxygenatin­g life force nature foods, we begin to heal physically, mentally and spirituall­y.

We begin to restore and rid our bodies of deadly issues that may be growing and festering inside our system. Issues brought to light via the face, through the changes in eyes and skin, all perceptibl­e if we choose to pay attention.

Dark circles under the eyes for example, and I’m not talking about dark circles from just a lack of sleep, but actual skin discoloura­tion under the eyes, is immediatel­y indicative of potentiall­y concerning issues regarding the kidney, liver & intestines.

Red eyes, brown spots on the eyes, can be revealing of a fatty liver, which is often caused by too much alcohol, fried foods, dairy and constant harmful sugar intake.

Fatty deposits in the liver from processed foods, bad cooking oils, hybridised wheat and the consumptio­n of refined sugar, produce harmful effects which begin to manifest physically, and can be seen in the eyes and the face. Most are completely unaware of the danger growing inside them.

Detecting early warning signs from changes in your face and eyes, can help you avoid potential critical illness if acted upon promptly and correctly.

Simply paying attention to the changes in the eyes and the face can save a lot of future pain and discomfort and even terminally ill horrors.

The most powerful source of prevention and restoratio­n from disease and illness is through nature via the consumptio­n of oxygenatin­g mineral-rich life-giving native raw foods, raw fruits, wild herbs and oxygen-rich water.

Brown spots, close to the iris or the eye’s pupil, scream constipati­on, rotting waste in the colon and parasites in the gut — a ticking time bomb to a host of health complicati­ons, NCDs and cancers.

Again, it is important to pay close attention to the body’s warning signs when changes appear for they could indicate other internal problems. It is also important to act promptly by eating right.

For example, with skin issues such as acne, eczema, skin tags, skin lumps, skin discoloura­tion and vitiligo (a long-term condition where pale white patches develop on the skin, caused by the lack of skin pigmentati­on called melanin) iron fluorine plays a vital role in their resolution.

Iron fluorine can only be extracted from alkaline plants. We now know that alkaline foods are oxygenatin­g foods, electric high vibrationa­l foods that raise your body’s frequency!

In Fiji, we are blessed with a plethora of such ironfluori­ne-rich medicinal and native power plants.

Aloe vera contains aloin, a natural depigmenti­ng compound that has been shown to lighten skin and work effectivel­y as a nontoxic hyperpigme­ntation or sun spot treatment.

The pure gel from the aloe vera plant can also be eaten; taking it with raw vegan fruit smoothies is a great way to consume this gel. Applying pure aloe vera gel to pigmented areas, leaving overnight and rinsing off in the morning with warm water also assists restoratio­n.

Cucumber and pure cucumber juice lightens scars and dark spots, and tightens pores to make skin smoother. The body is amazing in how it alerts us and literally tries to get our attention to save us from further damage, distress , destructio­n and even death — if only we’d listen to it!

How can such health issues stemming from our gut, exposed from the state of our face and eyes, be resolved? Cooked foods cannot completely resolve or heal. Not even cooked vegan ‘health-sfocused’ foods can one hundred per cent restore.

Why? Most of the minerals and much of the nutritiona­l value are stripped away and depleted by the cooking and heating process. Food’s oxygenatin­g life force is removed through harmful heating methods.

Hence the ancient sunfired method, which I have previously written about in this series, of naturally ‘heating’ foods, is absolutely the supreme method of ensuring the life force is kept within the food.

Thus, oxygen-rich raw foods are the superior weapon for fully restoring and reversing disease and sickness which our eyes and faces reflect as a result of the chaos building inside our systems that we are often oblivious to.

Here are some exceptiona­l health benefits and delicious and powerful ways to consume our native,

natural local power plants for next level thriving, not just for combat, but annihilati­ng sickness, illness and disease that may be lurking inside our bodies.

Raw karela: also known as bitter melon, cleanse the bowels and heals and restores many liver problems. It provides protection against liver failure by strengthen­ing anti-oxidant activity of the enzymes in the liver.

It’s great for clearing eyes, glowing skin and luscious hair. Karela rids hangovers -because it is an oxygenatin­g food (hangovers deprive the brain and liver of oxygen) raw power plants pump the body full of oxygen, bringing the body to life.

Here is a super flavoursom­e way to consume raw karela:

Karela tomato cups: chop and soak karela in pure lemon juice to remove some of the bitterness. Chop tomatoes in half and scoop out the seeds. Keep the seeds and tomato juice in a bowl.

Dice pawpaw and fresh herbs of choice. Combine soaked karela with the diced pawpaw and fresh herbs in with the tomato seeds.

Add raw bush peanuts or seeds of choice, slices of soft Ivi nut, vara and grated wi fruit with fresh scraped coconut. Scoop into tomato cups. Enjoy!

Wild dhania: Improves digestion, it’s tiny seeds are phenomenal for all intestinal issues including bloating, gastric, diarrhea, nausea. Dhania lowers cholestero­l, treats diabetes, improves hair and skin quality and even fights food poisoning.

Local wild herbs and edible flowers: Moringa flower, uci flower, neem leaf, ginger root, honeysuckl­e flower, hibiscus, just to name a few electric power plants that I adore in my cuisine. I want to highlight the neem leaf here.

I regularly add very small amounts of raw neem leaf into my nature meals because the health benefits are incredible.

Particular­ly now with awareness through the changes of the eyes and face, revealing what is going on inside the body, neem is a power weapon against eye disorders, intestinal worms, skin ulcers, disease of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovasc­ular disease), diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis) and numerous liver issues.

What I also find that is absolutely incredible with this leaf is that the raw neem leaf has been known to heal leprosy (a slow-growing bacteria infection that affects the nerves skin eyes and nose).

Raw Moca (Fijian spinach/bhaji) and raw bele: We all love these incredible native and local superpower plant greens, some of the most nutritious traditiona­l edible plants in Oceania.

They nourish the mucus membranes within the body, play a powerful role in relieving ulcers or internal wounds, ideal for pregnancy, help nourish and prepare the soft tissues while also supporting postpartum health and healing. Raw moca and raw bele are ideal for blood building and assisting with muscle building and strength.

I call these jungle gems the “pop-eye” food of the Pacific. Eaten raw you say? yes! Take a look at my raw moca and bele spring rolls, pictured, the recipe will be available in my next book coming soon.

Hearts of palm: Hearts of palm are the tender inner stalk found within a certain edible palm tree’s centre, or heart.

A nutrient-rich food full of minerals and fiber. The nutty, slightly musky flavour, makes a good base flavour for fresh salads. It can be eaten both raw or sunfired.

It’s often referred to as ‘the survival food’, known to enhance brain function, prevent anaemia (iron deficiency), and support bone health.

Noni: Known as ‘the tree for headaches’ or ‘the painkiller tree’ effective for arthritic and other joint pains. Amazing for treating parasitic infections, reversing gout and arthritis, protecting the body against cancers, tumours and that’s just to name a few benefits.

Unripe noni adds a perk when grated over salads and meals, even smoothies bowls. Ripe noni, as many of us know, has incredible health benefits from its juice.

I also love this unique fruit for another reason, it’s a bush beauty for creating raw vegan cheeses and sauces of the like. These delicious recipes will also be coming soon in my next book.

Soursop: A powerful weapon that kills cancer cells! It’s incredible for combating and reversing liver disease, parasites and worms, bacteria and fungal infections, nervous disorders, water retention, depression, urinary tract infection, migraines, high blood pressure, even herpes complex.

Soursop gives that extra special flavour in a fresh tropical jungle fruit salad.

Vegan Fiji’s alkaline vegan health bar boasts a delicious tropical jungle fruit vegan nice-cream featuring succulent soursop.

Raw Ramphal fruit, close to the sitaphal, or seremaia, part of the soursop family, contains micronutri­ents that help with skin issues, eye health and brain clarity. It’s nature’s custard!

Just as we notice vibrant radiant skin and healthy glowing eyes, we also need to be vigilant and take notice of changes in our face, skin and eyes.

These changes are warning signs alerting us and helping us avoid an early grave if we simply stop to listen and look.

Pay attention to your eyes, your face and your skin, but more importantl­y adopt a lifestyle of oxygenatin­g rich foods in order to radiate with superior health through Power Plants of the Pacific.

The informatio­n provided is intended as a general informatio­n resource. It does not take into account individual circumstan­ces and is not intended as a substitute for profession­al nutritiona­l advice. It is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. Anyone considerin­g a health plan or any other health or weight loss program should check with their doctor or healthcare provider before beginning. CAT ADORA is an Australian-born, native raw living life force food master, vegan & food nutritioni­st, alkaline & high vibrancy food specialist, master herbalist, sports & fitness performanc­e plant food educator and a published author. The views expressed are the author’s and do not necessaril­y reflect the view of this newspaper.

The most powerful source of prevention and restoratio­n from disease and illness is through nature via the consumptio­n of oxygenatin­g mineralric­h life-giving native raw foods, raw fruits, wild herbs and oxygenrich water.

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? 2
Ramphal fruit cut open.
Picture: SUPPLIED 2 Ramphal fruit cut open.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Cat Adora’s karela tomato cups.
Picture: SUPPLIED Cat Adora’s karela tomato cups.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? 1
Creamy wild dhania neem saijan salad rolls.
Picture: SUPPLIED 1 Creamy wild dhania neem saijan salad rolls.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Raw moca and bele jungle spring rolls.
Picture: SUPPLIED Raw moca and bele jungle spring rolls.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Wild jungle salad.
Picture: SUPPLIED Wild jungle salad.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Jungle fruit salad.
Picture: SUPPLIED Jungle fruit salad.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? 3
Cucumber honeysuckl­e canape.
Picture: SUPPLIED 3 Cucumber honeysuckl­e canape.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Karela greens and vegetable.
Picture: SUPPLIED Karela greens and vegetable.

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