The Fiji Times

Naiqama steps down

Ratu Naiqama blames SODELPA ‘leadership failures’


THE beleaguere­d Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) suffered another blow yesterday with the resignatio­n of Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu as party vice-president.

In a letter to SODELPA president Ratu Epenisa Cakobau, Ratu Naiqama said he was “deeply disappoint­ed and saddened” with the internal bickering which threatened unity within the vanua.

He said about 70 grievances and complaints from members remained unresolved. The letter stated he would continue as parliament­ary and Opposition Leader.

TUI Cakau Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu has resigned from his position as Social Democratic and Liberal Party (SODELPA) vice president.

He tendered his resignatio­n yesterday and addressed it to party president Ratu Epenisa Cakobau and party leader Viliame Gavoka. Ratu Naiqama said in his resignatio­n letter he was deeply disappoint­ed and saddened to witness the “state of play” where disagreeme­nts within the party threatened unity within the vanua.

“The core foundation of our party based on vanua solidarity has been undermined,” he said.

Ratu Naiqama said adherence to the party’s traditiona­l values based on mutual respect, understand­ing and dialogue were sadly no longer the cornerston­e of the party.

The letter said as of yesterday, the party had more than 70 grievances from members which had not been resolved.

Ratu Naiqama said it was unfortunat­e that the current party leadership had taken a heavy handed approach rather than fostering dialogue and consensus building to bring about unity within the party.

“Rather than addressing these grievances equally and in total, the leadership focus has been on executing its own vendetta and selective investigat­ions.

“This is despite efforts I made to address all complaints and grievances amicably.

“With these reasons it is therefore untenable for me to remain as a vice president due to the failures of the current party leadership.”

When contacted late yesterday, Ratu Naiqama confirmed his resignatio­n but declined to comment further.

 ?? Picture: FILE ?? Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu.
Picture: FILE Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu.
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