The Fiji Times

Stop rambling, Tabuya told


SOCIAL Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) president Ratu Epenisa Cakobau says public comments made by Lynda Tabuya indicates she intends to leave the party.

He made the statement in response to comments made by Ms Tabuya in The Fiji Times yesterday where she said that the party was not ready for next year’s polls because it neither had a plan nor the means.

Ratu Epenisa said Ms Tabuya should refrain from campaignin­g against the party that gave her the threshold she needed to get into Parliament.

“There is a lot of work being done in the background to address policy needs,” he said.

“This is a matter not meant for public consumptio­n, just yet.”

He also said a recent resolution was made during the management board meeting where board members and party’s members of Parliament had signed an oath of allegiance, which Ms Tabuya had also signed.

“However, her continuous public outbursts question her commitment to serve the party and uphold its constituti­on.

“We urge the honourable member to please refrain from making public pronouncem­ents against the party. I am just a phone call away including the party leader.

“While she claims she is committed to SODELPA, her actions indicate she is intending to leave.”

Ratu Epenisa said Ms Tabuya’s misguided attempts at trying to discredit the party executives were only showing up her inadequaci­es as a selfpromot­ed representa­tive for Kadavu.

“She should be proactive and make positive contributi­ons as honourable (Simione) Rasova has been doing on the island, and not continue to ramble on like a loose cannon.”

While she claims she is committed to SODELPA, her actions indicate she is intending to leave – Ratu Epenisa Cakobau

 ?? Picture: FILE ?? Opposition Whip and Social Democratic Liberal Party MP Lynda Tabuya takes a break during a Parliament sitting earlier on.
Picture: FILE Opposition Whip and Social Democratic Liberal Party MP Lynda Tabuya takes a break during a Parliament sitting earlier on.
 ?? Picture: FILE ?? Ratu Epenisa Cakobau.
Picture: FILE Ratu Epenisa Cakobau.

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