The Fiji Times

The Fiji Times from February 1 to


A MAN caught stealing 22 sacks of peanuts from a warehouse at King's Wharf was sentenced to nine months in jail.

The only circumstan­ces in which the Fiji Government would consider nationalis­ing the Vatukoula gold mines would be if the company tried to gut them.

THERE is sex discrimina­tion in the immigratio­n laws, says Mrs Irene Jai Narayan, Federation Member of the Legislativ­e Council for Suva. She pointed out that husbands were allowed to bring in their wives from overseas and permits were issued but not the other way around.

SIX young Americans have begun a twomonth tour of Fiji and New Zealand under the sponsorshi­p of Rotary clubs in Texas, USA. They arrived in Fiji yesterday and will spend about a week in the Colony, visiting factories, farm schools, and Government institutio­ns.

BANANA exports last year totalled just over 102,000 cases, compared with 48,000 in 1967. About 20 per cent came from Lomaivuna in Naitasiri.

Dr Lindsay Verrier, leader of the Liberal Party

has sent a cable to the Queen appealing for interventi­on over the sale of the island of Wakaya to an American real estate specialist for $340,000.

POLICE searching a man suspected of shop breaking found a bag containing money hidden between his thighs and kept in place by underpants he was wearing, Nausori Court was told. After his arrest, the man escaped from the Nausori Police Station and ran towards the Rewa Bridge. Police gave chase and caught him.

THE first move towards the establishm­ent of a marriage guidance council has been taken by the Fiji Council of Social Services. A steering committee was appointed at a meeting organised by the council and the next step will to hold a public meeting.

A 19-YEAR-OLD motorcycli­st, Russel John Hughes, is in hospital with head injuries and fractured ribs after a collision between his cycle and a car at Vuya Rd, Suva on Thursday evening.

BUILDINGS which were to house prison officers at Savusavu will form the nucleus if

Cakaudrove Province's first secondary school if the plans of a committee of education-minded people bear fruit.

IF a Bill published on Friday is approved by the Legislativ­e Council, one excuse a minister could give for keeping papers secret is that the papers contain facts which would annoy another country if they were published. Generally, papers in government files thought worthy of preservati­on would go to the archives after 15 years.

FIJI is the first country to make an official bid to host the 1974 Pacific Area Travel Associatio­n conference.

Savusavu residents met for three hours in the Columbia Theatre in Savusavu on Sunday and agreed to establish a multi-racial club, the first on Vanua Levu.

THE first wholly offset-printed newspaper produced in Fiji has been published this week by the Fiji Times and Herald Ltd. It is the January-February issue of a tourist newspaper handed out to passengers arriving at Nadi Airport.

THE Engel Family took the stage in Lautoka on Wednesday and Suva yesterday in their ordinary clothes. Their colourful Tyrolean costumes were thousands of miles away. They discovered this when they arrived at the Nadi Airport.

FIVE miles of beach frontage on Koro Island – home of the turtle callers – will be turned into a "dream resort" for Americans.

A documentar­y film produced by an ex-student of Suva Boys' Grammar School is being acclaimed by critics in Australia. The film is titled

A BRONZE portrait of Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna set on the side of a pillar of rock hewn from the Vatukoula gold mines was unveiled in Suva on Saturday by the Chief Minister, Ratu Kamisese Mara.

FOR not paying wages to his employees an employer was fined a total of $99 with $14.70 costs in Suva. There were 11 counts against him and in default of payment of the fines the magistrate ordered 14 days imprisonme­nt

THE achievemen­t of birth control targets

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