The Fiji Times

Power Plants of the Pacific

- What could I possibly mean?

HAVE you ever wondered why it’s so hard to kick a habit or even an addiction? Did you know the choice of food plays a critical role in the hold or the release of a person’s addiction or a habit and has major influence on the breaking ground or the stronghold of such habits and addictions?

Food has a strong influence over our actions, our thought patterns, our behaviour, even our lives. A negative and downward spiral effect can result merely from the type of food we choose to ingest.

So what really is a healthy diet? There are so many claims out there, not just in the fitness industry, but in many various profession­s and high profile roles promoting what they believe to be healthy diets, but which are actually detrimenta­l to the wellbeing of the human body and contrary to true superior health.

Yet the undisputed truth is so simple, the veritable answer and the incontrove­rtible authentic solution is a life-style of high raw pure nature foods. It’s that simple. Nature is the undisputed life force and the only genuine lifeline to achieving optimal heightened health and longevity.

Let’s take a look back at the past four months of my series Power Plants of the Pacific and briefly review how tapping into creations original power sources enables you to rise above the general and common concepts traditiona­lly associated with health.

Consider meat. How can eating dead flesh and ingesting animal parts into your body day after day, year after year, truely be considered a source of health? I mean just really stop and actually think about that. Even the way meat is eaten with all its spiced and herbed up flavours, various roasting methods and oiled coatings, disguises the very food itself, the very fact that we are really actually eating flesh.

We are not designed to eat raw meats, raw animal flesh, and dead animal parts; we disguise it with various cooking methods and flavours to ease our conscience of the fact that our body is ingesting the carcass of another living being. A completely unnecessar­y act.

Even the many generation­s that have gone before us have known the unsurpasse­d value and importance of eating pure nature plant sources for ultimate sustenance and thriving; real health food options, not manipulate­d, reconstruc­ted nor food that has had its life annulled in the name of health.

Proclaimin­g to eat meat and dairy for health, even if such advice is extended for an individual to follow, all you have to do is see the effects of eating in such a way versus eating real health food from nature, plants and fruits, even for just a matter of weeks, and the results speak plainly and clearly for themselves.

If we are open, tuned in and awake we can clearly see the detrimenta­l side effects of continuous­ly ingesting certain foods proclaimed as healthy, such as meat, poultry, seafood, dairy. Interestin­gly, cancer can’t thrive on a lifestyle of consuming plants and fruits. NCDs - liver failure, kidney failure, heart disease, gout, diabetes, thyroid, blood clots, alzheimers, tumours, cancers, are all on the rise with animal flesh consumptio­n and harmful food choices, yet not once ever with plant and fruit consumptio­n, interestin­g isn’t it.

Even behavioura­l issues and acts of violence and abuse are heavily linked to food choices society thrusts at us, manipulate­d foods that cause a destructiv­e imbalance within the brain.

The buildup of heavy metals and toxins within a person’s system from foods that are not nature sourced result in a body festering of vile putridness.

A body simply cannot perform, behave nor function as intended on such foods, this sharply highlights the deception society is under - producing humans existing on manufactur­ed food products that have been deceitfull­y coated with slow death causing poisons.

Even as the acceptance of the polluted foods we are surrounded with has been smothering the life out of us, all the while nature is so readily there for us, to assist us, restore us, revive us and rejuvenate us.

It’s the ultimate key to busting open this evil cover of food control and releasing the suffocatin­g grip it has on so many of us.

This also extends to the use of cigarettes, alcohol, even drugs. These substances have such a hold on individual­s because the taste buds have so evidently been destroyed starting from poor food choices, causing the brain to interpret incorrect signals, thus the vicious addictive cycle begins. It all starts with a person’s bad food choices.

“How,” you ask. A person will never crave a cigarette, alcohol, or drugs when a lifestyle of life force nature foods is their sustenance. Never!

These harmful addictive substances merely become a part of someone’s life via the changes inflicted upon their brain and taste buds as a result of constant ingesting of artificial, compromise­d food-like products and the consumptio­n of animal flesh and animal by-products.

It’s time we see it for what it really is and stop beating around the bush and take ownership of achieving real health by refusing to compromise for the sake of convenienc­e and all other excuses.

If not now than when. Many are promoting health and wellness through a plant based diet, even a vegan diet, which is a fantastic start to reversing many detrimenta­l health issues and diseases, but the underlying undisputed fact is that unless a person adopts a lifestyle of raw living life force nature foods he or she can never fully experience the real authentic power of optimal health.

Real pure nature source foods are at our fingertips here in Fiji, everywhere, and amazingly are a gifted source to us all, for our backyard is flourishin­g in such pureness so why are we not utilising this.

Are we too complacent to even eat real simple healing foods of freedom and life that cover a multitude of diseases and illnesses with the power to ensure a human thrives beyond measure?

Let me ask you, why are you eating the food you’re eating. Simply “cause it tastes good” isn’t a thought out reason. Taste buds are destroyed through harmful and wrongly cooked foods.

Taste buds that have been compromise­d by processed sugared, salted, oily food like products we call food just simply cannot provide us sufficient minerals and nutrient rich consistenc­y. Even cooked vegan foods. Hence my love for sunfired food I talk often about in this series.

The question remains, how can eating dead flesh and ingesting animal parts into your system day after day, year after year, truly be considered a source of health? The underlying complete truth is that it just can’t.

Meat, aka animal flesh (I mean let’s call it what it really is) poultry, dairy, eggs, seafood, animal byproducts are all foods that are known to bring on premature aging, sudden sickness, illness, disease and early death, it’s as simple as that.

Have you ever heard of fruits and plants being the cause of such pain and suffering, of course not.

Even in my series over the past four months I have explained how fruit will never ever be the cause, it simply reveals and exposes if there is an issue within the body, thus allowing you to choose the undisputed dominant way of healing through pure nature food sources in order to experience next level health.

In this day and age, meat, poultry, dairy and even seafood, is pumped with chemicals, hormones, poisons, even containing micro plastics — you name it. Since the demand is so high, the overwhelme­d profit-seeking “food” industry desperatel­y searches for new ways to mass produce regardless of consequenc­es!

Now that fact alone should send a shiver down your spine. You could be eating an animal that you didn’t know had a cancerous tumour because that cancerous tumour was simply just cut out of its flesh.

Let’s not forget to mention the imbalanced hormonal growth of many humans which is largely because of the fact that we are ingesting so many hazardous substances into our bodies from such food choices.

There’s no nice way around it. Yet the industry paints a certain picture to mislead us; profits are the focus certainly not health. It is a vicious cycle that so many have fallen victim to.

Not to mention that many of the animals we eat have been grossly manipulate­d, hybridised and interbred to create false and unnatural species, of which the human race continues to blindly consume making itself sicker and weaker. Even organic and free range cannot save you from such. A topic I have also touched on in this series.

Plants are the way forward. Plants are power. All our body needs and requires is found through plants. Plants are the ultimate source of all minerals.

The strongest sources of minerals are found in plants, and you know I’m talking pure nature plant sources. The 102 minerals our body is made up of are maximised through pure nature plant sources, no other source.

Animal flesh cannot sustain your body like plants, dairy will not sustain nor utilise the body’s essential minerals like plants, seafood will not, only plants can. Now this is real undeniable health food! The veil of deception where health is concerned must be exposed.

Here in Fiji, as I’ve passionate­ly proclaimed throughout this series, Power Plants of the Pacific are in abundance! I’ve listed many pure nature plant sources within this series.

Fiji could easily be an NCDs free nation and a powered people of ultimate health merely from the abundance of pure nature foods within its backyard flora that is so readily accessible and available to every single one of us.

Food controls you! With the influence of processed and convenienc­e foods and the food manipulati­on we are subject to, food, being the very thing we need, controls us.

When we choose living life force supreme nature foods, such foods that are designed to enhance and invigorate our very being, we take back our intended gift of genuine health and the power it provides.

How long will you let your food dictate your livelihood, your wellbeing, your life span, your chance at real optimal thriving?

Only you can make the choice to eat to live, it is truly as simple and as easy as eating nature’s pure fruits and plants, the very food source that is power packed with life giving minerals, life sustaining energy, vitality and the provider of real health.

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Cat Adora whips up a vegan storm.
Picture: SUPPLIED Cat Adora whips up a vegan storm.

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