The Fiji Times

Gavoka: Heed citizens’ concerns


GOVERNMENT should heed the concerns and respect the rights of citizens when they protest lawfully, says Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) leader Viliame Gavoka.

He said the rounding up of Namatakula villagers on Tuesday for questionin­g by police was “nothing short of fear-mongering and intimidati­on tactics”.

Villagers from Namatakula to Votualaila­i along the Coral Coast had protested the establishm­ent of quarantine facilities near their community by putting up placards along village boundaries facing the Queens Rd.

“They were not breaking any laws as village boundaries are not public space,” he said.

“The villagers were protesting the plans of Government to use facilities on the Coral Coast as quarantine areas for COVID-19.

“The people of Nadroga/Navosa are COVID-19 free and are in one accord that they want to keep it that way.

“They know that the delta variant, also known as the Indian B1617, paralysing the country today was due to one simple lapse in protocol at a Nadi quarantine facility.”

He said the possibilit­y of the same lapse in protocol could potentiall­y happen in Nadroga/Navosa and this was what the people were protesting.

“This is to be expected given the lack of consultati­on by Government with vanua leaders and key stakeholde­rs before making critical decisions that directly affect them, particular­ly during a pandemic.” He also said SODELPA strongly condemned the action by police.

A social media post by Namatakula villager Isei Susu said he and others were taken to the Korolevu Police Post for questionin­g and statements were taken.

He told The Fiji Times the police just wanted to know why they were protesting, and that on Wednesday afternoon the Roko Tui Nadroga and some government officials held consultati­ons with village elders.

Police are expected to release a statement today.

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