The Fiji Times

Leader takes stand against facility


A TRADITIONA­L leader of three villages along the Coral Coast has come out in support of villagers taking a stand against the establishm­ent of a quarantine facility near their homes.

Tui Vusu Ratu Siriako Naciwai said a report stating that he had supported the move to bring primary contacts of COVID-19 cases to Sigatoka was not true.

“There have been a lot of things said on social media and in the media about where I stand, but I want to make it clear that I stand with our people against this,” he said.

“The tikina o Komave and the yavusa o Vusu do not support any quarantine facility being set up in our community.

“For our yavusa, Maui Bay is a very important place for us. It is where we do our shopping, where we fill our fuel and where we withdraw money.

“A lot of our people also work there.”

He said before the decision was made, there were no discussion­s held with him or his people.

“It was only when we started to raise our voice and protest is when we were visited by government officials.”

He said there was widespread concern among the villages of Namatakula, Biusevu and Komave.

Nadroga-Navosa Provincial Council Roko Tui Rusiate Raidaveta said it was unfortunat­e the Tui Vusu had taken such a stand.

“The main issue here is some are not aware of what type of facility is being set up here,” he said.

“It is not an isolation facility but a quarantine facility for primary contacts which, in hindsight, is not a place where positive cases will be kept.

“That is informatio­n that needs to be taken out to the communitie­s and we have been engaging them to ensure that people understand the reason for the facility and why there is a need for it.”

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