The Fiji Times

Strength to endure

A mother’s love for her children


UNAISI Tuidama says in the 28 years she has lived in Naivimoli Settlement — she had never seen the Dreketi River break its banks.

That changed when Tropical Cyclone Ana swept into Vanua Levu in January this year.

The 70-year-old matriarch said it was about 5am and flood waters began to engulf verandahs and compounds in the settlement.

“I have lived in this settlement since 1993 and it was the first time for me to see such a flood because in all the past cyclones, the Dreketi river never burst its banks,” she said.

“I ran back into the house and woke up members of my family who were still sleeping.

“Although I was frightened, I had to fight my fears for the sake of saving my other family members.

“I also alerted nearby families.” Ms Tuidama, originally of Naivevu, Bua, moved to the settlement in Dreketi, Macuata, to join her two older daughters who had settled here with their husbands.

She became a widow in 1987 after her husband, a soldier, died from a medical condition he developed while on peacekeepi­ng duties in the Sinai.

“We have five children and my husband had gone for peacekeepi­ng duties when he got sick and was sent back home.

“So I had to go to Suva to bring him back home and his condition never improved. It’s a good thing we had our own place and after he died, I refused to remarry.

“My children’s happiness was more important to me and that is why I chose to remain single all my life.”

Ms Tuidama said she looked after her children for six years, after the passing of her husband, and tried to provide the best she could for them.

“Relatives stepped in and helped whenever they could but I didn’t want to depend on them and instead did things on my own for my family.

“I went out fishing, planted our own crops and vegetables and made sure my children were provided lunch to school and at home.

“It was not easy but I managed and I thank God for giving me the strength to endure those challengin­g years.”

In hindsight, she believes God gave her the wisdom to choose her family over remarrying.

“If I had settled again with another man, I wonder if he would have loved my children and that’s the main reason I didn’t get married again.

“Today, I am blessed because although I lost my house to TC Ana, the Jehovah’s Witness Church members have built me a new house, free of charge.

“I have a 48-year-old daughter who is deaf and mute but she despite her condition, she does a very good job in looking after me.”

Relatives stepped in and helped whenever they could but I didn’t want to depend on them and instead did things on my own for my family ~ Ms Tuidama ~

 ?? Picture: SERAFINA SILAITOGA ?? Unaisi Tuidama (left) with her daughter Losavati Maramasele­i and her great grandchild­ren inside her new house.
Picture: SERAFINA SILAITOGA Unaisi Tuidama (left) with her daughter Losavati Maramasele­i and her great grandchild­ren inside her new house.

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