The Fiji Times

Hardworkin­g farmer


THE People’s column yesterday (FT 02/07) reflected on the struggle of Ami Chand who spent most of his life as a farmer while helping his dad with the welfare of his family.

He dropped out of school at an early stage to look after his family.

The story of his early days portrays all he went through in that time when the barter system was on the roll traditiona­lly.

He did all he could in terms of farming and is still going good in it.

With the farming skills, he was able to educate his son and was also able to extend his house to a 5-bedroom dwelling.

With the proceeds of the cane and vegetable farming, he successful­ly looked after his family.

Mr Chand said he has been a gang sardar since 1994.

All that hard work finally paid off for him.

He is waiting for the 2021 crushing season to begin which will help make life brighter to some extent.

Mr Chand believes in hard work and his advice is “to never give up”.

Mr Chand’s story will surely uplift many souls who are in farming and who wish to join in this field.

The farmers have always worked hard from the time of the indenture system and we are forever grateful to them.

Let’s hope the recent issues between the farmers and the authoritie­s are settled in an amicable manner.

Times are hard and everyone is struggling, including our farmers who need the most help at this stage.

Thanks, Shiraz Kasim, for highlighti­ng certain people via this newspaper which can boost others.



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