The Fiji Times

Apps traces moves

- ■ ILAITIA B. TUISAWAU is a private cybersecur­ity consultant. The views expressed in this article are his and not necessaril­y shared by this newspaper. Mr Tuisawau can be contacted on

AS Fiji’s second wave of COVID-19 spreads almost unchecked, Government has turned to ramping up vaccinatio­ns and surveillan­ce to counter the pandemic.

Apparently the use of borders, which I personally thought effective in restrictin­g unnecessar­y movements and containing the pandemic, has been rejected by authoritie­s as cumbersome to economic recovery.

Surveillan­ce through contact tracing apps has been a tool in many other countries, but is the solution efficaciou­s?

This is the first, and crucial, question to ask about any action that infringes on privacy and civil liberties.

If a privacy and civil liberties-infringing program isn’t efficaciou­s, then there is no reason to consider it further.

Determinin­g whether surveillan­ce will help combat the virus requires understand­ing how the coronaviru­s spreads and how mobile phone tracking works.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the coronaviru­s spreads largely person to person.

The CDC reports that infection circulatio­n happens “between people who are in close contact with one another (within about six feet or two metres)” and is the result of airborne droplets “produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes”.

Yes, there are other ways for the virus to spread. For example, someone could become infected “by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes”.

But the CDC says that’s not the main way. Many senior government officials believe that the location informatio­n that phones can provide will be useful in the current crisis.

After all, if mobile phone location informatio­n can be used to track terrorists and discover who robbed a bank, perhaps it can be used to determine whether you rubbed shoulders yesterday with someone who today was diagnosed as having COVID-19.

But such thinking ignores the reality of how phone-tracking technology works and holistic contact tracing in our society and culture.

Let’s look at the details of what we can glean from mobile phone location informatio­n. Mobile towers track which phones are in their locale—but that is a very rough measure, useful perhaps for tracking bank robbers, but not for the two metre proximity one wants in order to determine who might have been infected by the coronaviru­s.

Finer precision comes from GPS signals, but these can only work outside. That means the location informatio­n supplied by your phone—if your phone and that of another person are both on—can tell you if you both went into the same supermarke­t around the same time.

But it won’t tell you whether you were in the same aisles. The location informatio­n from your phone isn’t fully precise. What’s more, many people won’t have the location informatio­n available because GPS drains the battery, so they’ll shut it off when they’re not using it.

Their phones don’t have the location informatio­n and neither do the providers, at least not at the granularit­y to determine coronaviru­s exposure.

GPS is not the only way that mobile phones can collect location informatio­n. Various other ways exist, including Bluetooth for proximity informatio­n.

This is the technology that Fiji’s mobile careFIJI app uses for contact tracing – assuming the infected person is carrying a mobile phone with an active careFIJI app!

If the contact tracing surveillan­ce apps lead to the government’s dogging people’s whereabout­s at work, school, in the supermarke­t and at church, will people continue to be willing to download and use the tracking apps?

China follows this kind of surveillan­ce model, but such a surveillan­ce-state solution is highly unlikely to be acceptable in most other countries. Yet anything less is unlikely to pinpoint individual­s exposed to the virus to the detail required for effectiven­ess.

Mobile phone tracking in many countries is not efficaciou­s. It cannot be unless all people are required to carry such locationtr­acking devices at all times; have location tracking on; and other forms of informatio­n tracking, including much wider use of CCTV cameras, Bluetooth beacons, and the like, are also in use.

There are societies like this. But so far, even in the current crisis, no one is seriously contemplat­ing heading in that direction. Even I don’t carry my mobile phone to the corner shop for bread and newspapers in the morning – i.e. I enjoy my precious moments off the grid!

Holistical­ly – to work well, contact tracing requires intimate knowledge about a community’s habits, and this is something the mobile apps aren’t able to take into account at present.

The apps have not been built to take into account the different ways different cultures live and the different ways the disease might spread across these diverse communitie­s especially in Fiji’s settlement­s with multi-generation­al inhabitant­s making up many households.

Even these household members are continuous­ly changing and unfortunat­ely the use of masks and social distancing is practicall­y non-existent within these settlement­s.

Most crucially, the tracing apps come up against an intractabl­e problem: a broken domestic health-care system. For a contacttra­cing app to be efficaciou­s, it needs to exist within a well-functionin­g public health system.

An app notifying of potential exposure is useful only if the notified person can isolate quickly and easily.

If a Swiss citizen receives an exposure notificati­on from the SwissCovid app, for example, the Swiss government will subsidise staying home from work during the isolation period. Fiji and other developing countries don’t offer similar support, and so faced with a positive exposure notificati­on; many low-income workers would continue to go to work and then infect others.

The problem isn’t with the app; it’s with the lack of an underlying social infrastruc­ture to support potentiall­y infected people.

We should be careful not to put too great an expectatio­n on technology in preventing disease spread. The real problem is the country’s lack of appropriat­e social and public health infrastruc­ture.

Similarly, it does not make sense to “try everything” just in case a technique—that is, tracking people’s mobile phone locations—might turn up some new exposed cases of the virus.

If the numbers of false positives (people wrongly identified as exposed) and false negatives (people exposed who are not identified by the system) are significan­t, the wrong people will be sent to health centers and people who should be isolated will not be told to do so.

Using data with high error rates can easily lead to distrust in government recommenda­tions; yet trusting the government’s recommenda­tion of wearing masks and social distancing is the most important step that all of us should be taking right now. And wearing masks and social distancing has the advantage that it can be implemente­d without phone tracking.

In such extraordin­ary times as these, as technologi­sts and government officials develop programs for protecting the public; it is critical that the privacy and civil liberty implicatio­ns of such programs remain fully front of mind.

But efficacy should always be the first issue to raise in the deployment of any technology, especially one that involves potentiall­y serious risk to privacy and civil liberties. If a proposed “solution” is not efficaciou­s, there is no reason to consider the program.

The much more important action that has proven successful in containing the spread of coronaviru­s – for which surveillan­ce wasn’t necessary - was to limit leaving home to essential purposes (buying food, seeking medical treatment, and the like).

This action if strictly enforced in Fiji will help flatten the curve and thus save lives; it is the crucial step to be taking right now if government is to pivot in their strategy in containing the coronaviru­s.

Surveillan­ce need not be ruled out as a means by which to address the coronaviru­s pandemic.

But implementi­ng surveillan­ce without the other measures that make it an effective public health response will not do much.

Efficacy first and foremost is the right measure; that principle must be held front and center as Fiji handles this pandemic. Otherwise, we endanger our health, our safety and our liberty.

As renowned physicist, Albert Einstein advises – “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questionin­g…”.

As always, God bless you all and stay safe in both digital and physical worlds.

If a Swiss citizen receives an exposure notificati­on from the SwissCovid app, for example, the Swiss government will subsidise staying home from work during the isolation period. Fiji and other developing countries don’t offer similar support , and so faced with a positive exposure notificati­on; many lowincome workers would continue to go to work and then infect others. – Ilaitia B. Tuisawau –

 ?? Picture: AFP ?? Digital contact tracing, already underway through smartphone apps in other countries, could help contain the coronaviru­s pandemic in the US.
Picture: AFP Digital contact tracing, already underway through smartphone apps in other countries, could help contain the coronaviru­s pandemic in the US.

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