The Fiji Times

FNPF, election campaign


Pension pays

THE Fiji Times reporting “FNPF announces 6 per cent interest for members” (FT 24/6) to be credited to their accounts on June 30, is some relief in this cost of living crisis.

All the members including pensioners feel secured to receive such payments they rightly deserve.

Sometimes, on our eligibilit­y, we are tempted to withdraw the whole lump sum at once with zero balance left on our account to go on pension. However, we overlook that pension pays as our lifetime future assets.

Today, there are many members enjoying their retirement with the FNPF pensions.

We make a living in our retirement at times during our rainy days with our pensions accordingl­y as we say “hello to pension and goodbye to tension”. We all should look forward to securing our future with FNPF.

Long live FNPF with the blessings of its members!


Hamilton, New Zealand

Interestin­g scenarios

WISER people always say: “Do not point a finger at someone else; As there are always three which point directly back at you on every occasion.”

Some day, they will come back to haunt you when you least expect them.

Fiji’s election campaign is laced with much “you cannot do this; and you cannot do that”.

What a troubled way to go. Public perception­s, as powerful as they are, will prevail at the 2022 polls.


Martintar, Nadi

No care attitude

THERE seems to be a “no-care” attitude, when something is free for us to use. We don’t seem to really take ownership,

or be responsibl­e on how to properly use it.

When the item is not ours, it’s use, we all seem to flout. Moreso, when it is donated and when we don’t personally own it.

It maybe just human nature, being wasteful, irresponsi­ble and not so clever.

We still have a lot to learn and a lot of respect, we still yet have to earn.

Meanwhile, a lot of money is being spent,

for running repairs and necessary maintenanc­e.

EDWARD BLAKELOCK Admiral Circle, Pacific Harbour

Imagine this

JUST imagine if the FF government was to decree that all in one family had to have the same surname.

Man, I can say, get stuffed!


Kava Place, Lautoka

Path of truth

FT 23/6/22 reported FijiFirst Minister Parveen Kumar at Field 40, Lautoka on Saturday told the people to walk on the path of truth even if the road is not smooth. Can I ask the minister how truthfully has he walked on the path of “truth”? SHARVEEN CHAUDHARY


Smart borrowing

THE A-G asked where will the money come from? It will come from smart borrowing from the same lenders. The question reminds me of an interview where they asked me: “Why do you want to work here?” So I just asked them: “Why do you people work here?” SUKHA SINGH


Those trips

THE PA leadership flew to New Zealand in style to beg for money to raise money for their election campaign. I suspect there will be another such trip planned for the same reason to the USA soon.

I know a few beggars on the streets of Lautoka who have full chow at restaurant­s during their day’s work. There is nothing wrong with that or going begging by flying business class as far as I am concerned.

What irks me is when these hypocrites complain that the government is surviving on foreign aid. What irks me even more is that many Fijians think these hypocrites are the right people to run the country.

But then, in a free society, everyone has the right to be stupid if they so choose. In my opinion, those who turn up to the fundraiser are the biggest idiots.


Undo what?

THE PM says there are people looking to undo the great work the FF Government has done. May I respectful­ly ask, undo what — the young children selling food to help their families survive? Undo the constant water and power outages? Undo the selling of EFL shares which was sold for a song? Is Nadi Airport next on the list?

I’m sure there are a few other things that need undoing like certain freedom limiting laws that need to be undone including bringing back the GCC. If you have your ears to the ground, I’m sure you’re aware of the deep feelings people are carrying because of your government’s lack of concern for the welfare of so many poor, neglected and needy trying every single day to eke out a living. Yeah, there’s a mountain of undoing to be done. Because I pity the next government that comes to power. They’ll have their work cut out undoing the gaping economic holes left behind. Isa noqu Viti.



Political speech

IT seems some politician­s are using every avenue to remain in power. And in sheer desperatio­n they are clutching at every straw and not even ashamed of using religious places for their political survival. But why only Hindu religious gatherings? Can they say the same things at other places of worships?

The statement reportedly made by Employment Minister Parveen Kumar at the Field 40 Gangaiyamm­an Temple annual pooja implies that the political stability in this country can only be enjoyed as long as the current government remains in power.

I believe it reeks of a veiled threat that there will be instabilit­y if there is a change in government. In my view the attempt is nothing short of exploiting the vulnerabil­ities of our communitie­s and is tantamount to creating unnecessar­y fear among the people. Some months ago I read in one of the dailies that some women had touched the feet of a politician. I want to ask them if they have ever touched the feet of their own fathers and mothers in accordance with their religious teaching.


History and politics

TALK about elected politician­s or those in the “pollinatio­n” stage carrying baggage, how many times has it mattered in history? MOHAMMED IMRAZ JANIF Natabua, Lautoka

That photo

IS what I’m seeing, in tune with our culture? Maybe, I’m reading, way too much into that picture. But that one photo on Page 4, of FT 18/06 is equal to a thousand words.

I have actually not seen one like that before and I’m really lost for words.

It may have captured a moment in time, which could be innocent.

But what we see in The Fiji Times, is that particular moment. EDWARD BLAKELOCK

Admiral Circle, Pacific Harbour

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