The Fiji Times

Call to phase-out fossil fuels

COP27 may end up being a ‘failure’ — activists


A SLEW of Pacific and internatio­nal activists have warned that COP27 may end up being a “failure” because of a lack of commitment towards phasing out fossil fuels.

As the conference draws closer to an end, activists are still calling for lawmakers to commit to ensure a swift, just and equitable phase-out of fossil fuels was secured in the outcomes text.

Pacific Climate Warriors representa­tive and Pacific managing director Joseph Sikulu said the message from the Pacific was very clear.

“The continued extraction of fossil fuels will push us far beyond 1.5 degrees of warming, which means more intense cyclones, more floods, and more sea level rise eating at our shorelines and destroying our homes,” he said.

“We are fatigued from constantly telling our stories of how the climate crisis impacts us, but the Pacific continues to display climate leadership.

“Tuvalu and Vanuatu were the first state parties to push for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty, and we are here to show them that the Pacific is behind them. We must keep 1.5 degrees in the cover text for COP27 and demand the phase-out of fossil fuels.

“We need those in the decision-making rooms to do the same because 1.5 degrees of warming is not just a target, it is a limit.”

Similar sentiments were echoed by May Boeve, the executive director of

She said the reality of such negotiatio­ns was the very imminent “make-or-break” situations that would have a ripple effect across the world.

“We once again stand at a crossroads where decisions made in the next 48 hours will impact the world for years to come,” she said.

“So today, this is what civil society is doing, calling for a phase-out of fossil fuels. This is our rallying cry – from actions, press conference­s, to side events, today is the day.”

Ms Boeve said the civil society movement would hold government­s to account and demand an equitable, managed, and just phase-out of all fossil fuels to be included in the cover decision of COP27.

“Anything less than what we achieved in Glasgow will be viewed as a failure by the world.”

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