The Fiji Times

Narube: Unity Fiji FijiFirst party ‘positive’ has no baggage


VOTE for a party that is clean, has no baggage and has the ability to deliver solutions.

Unity Fiji leader Savenaca Narube said this during an interview with The Fiji Times recently.

He said this when asked why voters should vote for him or Unity Fiji.

“Vote for a leader that is clean, I am clean,” the former Reserve Bank of Fiji governor said.

“Unity Fiji party has no baggage. We are clean.

“Vote for a leader that can deliver the solution to your problems. The solutions are economic, financial solutions.

“Look for a leader who knows the solutions to those problems, not pretenders. There are many around.

“Look for a leader that can restore the confidence of all the communitie­s, all the ethnic roots in Fiji.

“We need a leader who has broader support that you can trust to lead us to where this Fiji needs to be, a Fiji that is so beautiful that we want to live here and live in peace and harmony.

“We need a leader to take us there.”

Mr Narube was asked whether Unity Fiji was “a small party” and, together with “several other small parties” could break the iTaukei vote in the 2022 General Election.

He said Unity Fiji was “definitely” not a small party and people’s focus should not be on 2018.

“Everyone has the right to establish a party, that is in the Constituti­on.

“But of course it is up to the voters to determine whose party you are going to vote for, which leader, and that is their right.

“Don’t focus on the smallness, just focus on what that party brings to the people. If that party doesn’t bring anything to you and your family, vote for one that does.”

When asked if he would continue in politics if he lost the elections, Mr Narube said he was confident he would win.

“Yeah, but I don’t have the answer right now, I’ll have it after the election, because losing is not in my horizon.

“I’m here to win this election and I am confident with the people’s support, they are aware of what we can do for you and your family and future, I am confident we will win.”

FIJIFIRST party general secretary Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says an overwhelmi­ng majority of Fijians are supporting FijiFirst party and their leader Voreqe Bainimaram­a “because of his decisive leadership”.

“They trust and they know what he (Mr Bainimaram­a) says gets done,” Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said after submitting the party’s candidate nomination last Friday.

He said the campaign and meetings that the party had been conducting over the past few weeks showed a strong indication that the party was in a very overwhelmi­ng position.

Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said they were in a comfortabl­e position heading into the 2022 polls and were not taking things for granted.

“You know, there’s a saying that no politician should ever take anything for granted and that’s the basis on which we got out to reach everybody.

“In the past meetings that we’ve been having, number of campaign meetings, the message and the strong sentiments we’re getting that we are in a very overwhelmi­ng position.

“The overwhelmi­ng majority of Fijians are supporting our leader, are supporting FijiFirst.

“They believe in Bainimaram­a’s decisive leadership.

“They trust, they trust and they know what he says gets done.

“And at the same time, we will still, however, continue to ensure to reach every single Fijian in the next 33 days or so to get our message across.”

Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said they will be ramping up their social media presence as well.

 ?? Picture: NAVNESH REDDY ?? The 29 provisiona­l candidates of All Peoples Party.
Picture: NAVNESH REDDY The 29 provisiona­l candidates of All Peoples Party.

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