The Fiji Times

SODELPA condemns PM’s ‘veiled threats’


SOCIAL Democratic Liberal Party leader Viliame Gavoka has attacked the “veiled threats” made by FijiFirst party leader Voreqe Bainimaram­a at Syria Park recently as creating fear among Fiji’s voters.

At the FijiFirst rally, Mr Bainimaram­a said political parties making promises to return freehold land bought with “guns and axes” to iTaukei landowners would cause widespread bloodshed.

He said that kind of conversati­on would cause conflict, people would end up slaughteri­ng each other, causing bloodshed.

“We wish to bring to the attention of the Supervisor of Elections, the following quote uttered by the FijiFirst party leader, Mr Josaia Voreqe Bainimaram­a that may lead to incitement to violence and is seen as a direct threat to those who wish to discuss this issue,” Mr Gavoka said.

He said Mr Bainimaram­a’s comments in the iTaukei language to his “rent-a-crowd audience at Nausori” was “Na veitalanoa ya ena vakavuna na vei ta, na laba, na dra ena drodro ena noda vanua, na basu bai ena vakayacori ena veitalanoa oya”.

Which in English translates to (“This conversati­on will cause stabbing, murder and blood spilled on our land, and unlawful entering (property) will happen if that conversati­on is condoned”).

“This form of campaign should never be facilitate­d nor entertaine­d as it creates fear amongst the voters and animosity among the lewenivanu­a of Fiji.

“SODELPA recognises, and upholds the rule of law, and it will promote its fullest applicatio­ns for good governance principles and the respect of Human Rights, and we demand that other political parties do the same, especially the outgoing Prime Minister.

“We demand that he withdraw his defamatory and misleading public statements or face legal action for inciting violence.”

Mr Gavoka also provided a video link (and Time Stamp: from 1:14) https://www.­eTS1w1h8Gs­5f3JLdCDkn­x8uH1fg73b­ZxfEDopLja­VFahdagYfL­7qTVL8Qi1f­fl of the statement.

 ?? Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU ?? SODELPA leader Viliame Gavoka.
Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU SODELPA leader Viliame Gavoka.

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