The Fiji Times

Call for people to vote


ONE of the longest serving chiefs in the Naitasiri Province has called on people to exercise their democratic right to vote in the 2022 General Election.

Tui Wailevu Ratu Waisea Drakusiwal­e said he had been part of many general elections.

“The first political party to usually visit our village is usually the ones who are leading government like the FijiFirst party,” the 75-year-old said.

“I believe the leadership of the FijiFirst party is quite different from the others because the kind of developmen­t they brought to our village.

“For many years, we were travelling in punts or bamboo rafts down the Waicakena River, but now the road has been constructe­d right to the village.”

He said a lot of developmen­ts by the FijiFirst party has benefited his village — the provision of free education and assistance to elderly people through the social welfare allowances.

However, he said that should not stop villagers from voting for the political party of their choice.

“My advice is to vote wisely in the general elections.

“Just look at their track record, which one is good for you and your future generation, vote for that.

“Vote for the political party that will give your children better education, assist the elderly and that will bring about positive developmen­t.

“I will never dictate to my people who to vote for and I give them the freedom to vote for any political party they want.”

He said any government that comes in after the 2022 General Election should focus on serving the people.

He was installed as Tui Wailevu in 1983.

The village has a population of about 400 people.

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