The Fiji Times

YOUR VOTE COUNTS Retirement age issue


NATIONAL Council of Older Persons member Mohammed Hassan’s call to increase the retirement age to 60 has the support of a number of political parties.

The Unity Fiji manifesto said if elected into government the party would increase the retirement age to 60.

Responding to questions on the policy, leader Savenaca Narube said the retirement age increase would boost two things – first, the pool of experience­d people and secondly, productivi­ty and efficiency of the workforce.

Mr Narube claimed as Fiji had a small population with a high level of emigration, and Fiji’s pool of skilled and experience­d people was “very shallow”.

“So, the longer we keep our experience­d people, the better for the country,” he added.

In terms of experience and productivi­ty, he said experience­d workers were usually more productive and efficient.

“Therefore, employing our people for a longer time lifts productivi­ty and efficiency which benefits the country.”

The Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) manifesto also says the party would increase the retirement age to 60.

The party policy paper said increasing the retirement age would alleviate the burden of an ageing population and the depth of experience and maturity inherited would be invaluable.

Fiji Labour Party’s manifesto also said the party would increase the retirement age to 60.

The People’s Alliance manifesto also indicated the party would increase the retirement age to 60.

The National Federation Party has not launched its manifesto for the 2022 election, however, its last two manifestos indicate it would also increase the retirement age to 60.

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