The Fiji Times

Seruiratu: Vote out old politician­s


AN emotional Inia Seruiratu has pleaded with the people of Lautoka to “vote out old politician­s who once ruin the country with racial discrimina­tion”.

“I’m urging all of you, I want to plead with you today, let’s vote them out, let’s tell them enough is enough, let’s vote them out and let’s do that on December 14,” Mr Seruiratu said.

“That is why the military has decided when governance is not fair, something must be done, we must change for the country to move forward and for the betterment of all Fijians and that’s what 234 did, together with the military officers and I was one of those military officers.

“I have decided I will stick with FijiFirst, I will die with FijiFirst, because FijiFirst with its leadership is the only party that can take us forward to a better Fiji because the same old politician­s who ruin our country with racial discrimina­tion they want to come back.”

The plea was made to a crowd that converged at Lautoka’s Shirley Park on Saturday for the FijiFirst rally, with a few days left to the country’s general elections.

Mr Seruiratu told the people of Lautoka the leaders of other political parties kept telling people to vote them out.

He pleaded with those attending the event to do the same and vote out these old politician­s.

The Defence Minister said the right leadership has been exercised by the FijiFirst government these previous years.

He also pleaded with those in attendance to see the developmen­t this current leadership had attained before deciding on their votes on elections day.


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