The Fiji Times

Solution Tomorrow Saturday’s Solution


YOUR VISION IS A LIST OF WORDS using the following rules * Each word must be four letters or more * Each letter may be used only once for each word. *Each word must contain the centre ‘Focus’ letter. *A minimum of one nine letter word must be found. *No ‘Dagger’ or swear words (ref: Macquarie Dictionary) * No plurals ending in ‘s’*No verb forms ending in ‘s’ *No words with an initial capital letter and no hyphenated words.


2 Unmarried woman 5 Precipitou­s 8 Abode of the dead 9 Consumer 10 Fondness

11 Tree

12 Fish basket 14 Facts given 16 Freed

17 Auction 20 Pressed clothes 22 Lifting

25 Long pace 27 Direction 28 Dregs

32 Makes lace 34 Remedies 35 Metal 36 Accordingl­y 37 Garden tool 38 Acquire

knowledge 39 Scum of melting

metals 40 Regrets


1 Army chaplain 2 Affray

3 Detached

4 Type of leather 5 Cult

6 Treachery

7 Make possible 12 Pleasure voyage 13 Church office


LE15 Mine opening 18 Fisher 19 Decrees 21 Deride 23 Stretchers 24 Undergarme­nt 26 Deposit forming

on teeth 29 Chemical

compound 30 Meditates 31 Approaches 33 Woe!

Bullish Lunar Lineup: The lunar conjunctio­n of Uranus in the sign of the bull refers to financial markets. Bullish markets signal growth and investor confidence, and the Uranium influence suggests ebullient outcomes. It’s important to note that such things seem surprising at the time, though the educated see the cumulative energies involved.


(December 22 to January 19)

Your appetites, needs and wishes are changing, so refrain from declaring what you want. Stay lightheart­ed and experiment­al for now. You are still learning what’s good for you, what delights you and where those things intersect.


(January 20 to February 18)

When an action is right, it makes you brave. You don’t even have to think about your move. You dive in, and instinct takes it from there. There is no time for fear in the moment of action, though it could creep in after the fact.


(February 19 to March 20)

Just because you’re not in step with the others doesn’t mean your timing is off. It only means you’re marching to something else. Awareness is key here. What is driving your rhythm? Only you can tell which beat is right for you.


(March 21 to April 19)

Everyone will get to the future at the same time. No amount of money can make next week come sooner or today last longer. Cherish your time and protect it from anyone who seems to devalue it.


(April 20 to May 20)

Create routines that will help you succeed. Pay attention to what affects your physical and mental energy levels. Your most productive stretches are those that tap into your natural rhythms.


(May 21 to June 21)

When the competitio­n gets more intense, so do you. It will actually be a blessing to have a reason to work harder. Your choices will be cut and dried: either advance and achieve, or retreat and watch someone else achieve.


(June 22 to July 22)

You’ve received answers you don’t much like, but you don’t have to settle for them indefinite­ly. Stay open. No answer is final. Feelings change. In time, “no” could become “yes”; “yes” could become “of course.”


(July 23 to August 22)

One way to make the world more beautiful is to see it that way. You’re on the lookout for vivid moments, and the world will not disappoint. The insight you bring to matters will elevate them. You go deeper; they get higher.


(August 23 to September 22)

Preparatio­n is the difference between successful work and a waste of time. Make sure you have the right tools for the job. Look into what you’ll need. Getting it right from the start will save you time, energy and money.


(September 23 to October 23)

Before you can put the important stuff first, you have to know what’s important to you. You’ll get clear on that today. Your No. 1 priority will be handled. The rest is up to the whims of destiny.


(October 24 to November 21)

When a bee becomes incensed, it stings the offender to its own detriment. Anger is less costly for humans, but it’s still something worth calculatin­g. De-escalate tension whenever possible. Bring calm wherever you can.


(November 22 to December 21)

Patience isn’t the most exciting virtue, and there are many who don’t see its appeal. However, those who have patience can win the whole game just by avoiding the mistakes that impatient people make.

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