The Fiji Times

Personal issues, GCC

SODELPA grandstand­ing


SIXTEEN years of being ridiculed, disrespect­ed, and denigrated to gutter level was never even considered by some of the board members of the SODELPA political party.

The main aim of the exercise of their grandstand­ing was to fuel the personal hatred some had towards Rabuka and the People’s Alliance Party.

This was the price SODELPA supporters had to pay to enable some of their party members agree to another four years of the current government and endure the same ridicule, disrespect and denigratio­n.

For the 14 board members who had agreed to join the current government in their first meeting on Tuesday, December 20, agreements had to be made that could be overturned within party meetings as per their individual constituti­ons.

All SODELPA supporters, Fiji and worldwide, wanted was a change of government, period.

That was the narrative being relayed to supporters for the last 16 years. The idea of joining the current government was never an issue.

Sad to see that personal agendas are now at the forefront of decisions being made within, what was once an honourable political party.

The mandate of the party was the people, never individual­s with personal issues. This is a prime example of how some current Fijians and leaders have no moral compass, integrity and honour to rise above and beyond their personal and petty issues to put their people first!



National interest

DOES Lenaitasi Duru — the exSODELPA secretary think he is bigger than the national interest of our united people of Fiji.

The people of Fiji don’t want to know of his squabble with the PAP leadership.

They deserve a stable government which has already been agreed too.

His claim that he’s taking a principled stand by resigning and opposing the coalition is laughable.

It cannot be true for a simple reason. I believe any principled, mature person will put the interest of the majority and desires of their fellowmen foremost.

Personal squabbles take backstage for the sake of the common good.

If he cannot do this, then he is no better than a child who throws tantrums because he has not been given his candy.



GCC referendum

VOREQE Bainimaram­a is entitled to his own opinion and so do the rest

 ?? Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU ?? The People’s Alliance party leader Sitiveni Rabuka.
Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU The People’s Alliance party leader Sitiveni Rabuka.

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