The Fiji Times

Solution on Monday Yesterday’s Solution


YOUR VISION IS A LIST OF WORDS using the following rules * Each word must be four letters or more * Each letter may be used only once for each word. *Each word must contain the centre ‘Focus’ letter. *A minimum of one nine letter word must be found. *No ‘Dagger’ or swear words (ref: Macquarie Dictionary) * No plurals ending in ‘s’*No verb forms ending in ‘s’ *No words with an initial capital letter and no hyphenated words.


3 Coarse files

9 Mend

10 Turn

11 Sea nymph 12 Was merciful to 15 Meddle

17 Hooked claw 18 Raining

19 Anger

20 Business


22 Be concerned 24 Also

25 Periods of time 26 Performs surgery 28 Fish trap 29 Disencumbe­r 30 Winged creatures 33 Former Soviet


34 Salad item 35 Member of flower


36 Very small

37 Light and clear red 38 Cricket trophy


1 Hard outer

covering 2 Horrify

3 Got up

4 Parched

5 Feigns

6 Musical

compositio­n 7 Less sad

8 Keep under 13 Protective bank 14 Wanderer 16 Messages 18 Declined in power 20 Afternoon

performanc­es 21 Icy

22 Eat

W23 Keeps 27 Bristle-like

appendage 30 Bundles 31 Unbending 32 Lustre 34 Speed contest

Full Moon Afterparty: If you thought your New Year’s Eve party was hard to clean up after, the day after the Wolf Moon may pose an equal rival to your vacuum cleaner. In the case of the full moon in a water sign, the messy party evidence is more on an emotional level, so what’s needed is a soul-vacuum to pick up the remnants of feeling scattered like glitter.


(December 22 to January 19)

Travel in an entourage or with a wingman. You’re a different person when you feel supported. It gives you the safety to take risks. You’ll be more charming, daring and curious than you’d be on your own, not to mention funnier.


(January 20 to February 18)

Depending on the company, companions­hip can be a divine comfort, or it can be a pain. The person who is best for the journey will be low-maintenanc­e, respectful and self-entertaini­ng.


(February 19 to March 20)

A cellphone is an alarm clock, map, flashlight, DJ, camera and a thousand other things. Oh, and it can call people. There’s someone who can and will serve multiple purposes in your life and you’ll do the same for them.


(March 21 to April 19)

There are many reasons to impress the powers that be. People work for gold stars today and need little incentive beyond the approval of an authority figure. If you’re the authority, your attention will be a coveted resource now.


(April 20 to May 20)

Despite appearing intelligen­t, overthinki­ng is a form of procrastin­ation. Instead, move things along thoughtful­ly without ruminating. Make quick but not hurried progress.


(May 21 to June 21)

You’re likely to make excellent decisions using modalities like scientific deduction, social investigat­ion and good ol’ common sense. But if you only have time to do it on a wing and a prayer today, that will work just as well.


(June 22 to July 22)

To fix what’s irritating you will require sanding, smoothing, disassembl­y, new agreements, training and the like. The other way is to tolerate irritation­s until you become immune, and they’ll never bother you again.


(July 23 to August 22)

You prefer to play well-matched games if you can and will seek situations that give you a more or less equal footing with the other players. When you find a good fit, it’s a gift to everyone’s life and game.


(August 23 to September 22)

You’re brave, but not foolishly so. You don’t shy away from danger, only unnecessar­y danger. The wise ones will also see wisdom in you, and you’ll be trusted with a special responsibi­lity.


(September 23 to October 23)

There is something wonderfull­y adventurou­s about going off track. You’re intrigued by the idea that you might luck into finding treasure or its equivalent in your inspired wandering.


(October 24 to November 21)

To move forward, the task must be completed. This is your moment. Take the pressure to be perfect out of the equation and then go further; no need for grace, art or precision either -- exchange those for timeliness.


(November 22 to December 21)

You do so many things right. It’s only human to keep looking at the things you do wrong, but you can also press pause on that to celebrate yourself for a moment.

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