The Fiji Times

‘A move in the right direction’

Chaplains, priests and pastors in schools


ONE of the country’s leading Hindu religious organisati­ons has given the coalition Government a big thumbs up for reinstatin­g chaplains, priests and pastors in schools managed by religious bodies.

Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji director Kamlesh Arya said the organisati­on had been utilising morals and values teachers since 1988 and the recent announceme­nt by the State was a move in the right direction.

“These teachers are trained in ethical and universal Vedic values at the Vedic Training Centre and hold a certificat­e level qualificat­ion,” he said.

He claimed restrictio­n of the education grant by the previous government resulted in the Sabha and other faith-based organisati­ons being forced to restructur­e the arrangemen­t to ensure the continuity of values education.

“With the new approved arrangemen­t by the coalition Government, the Sabha is well-poised to fully re-engage its moral values teachers to conduct religious and values education when the schools open for the 2023 school year.”

“The Sabha is confident that their presence as before will continue to enhance student discipline and social behaviour.”

When queried about the safety of children around the religious teachers, Mr Arya said those employed by the organisati­on were ethical and the Sabha had zero tolerance for any immoral behaviour displayed by those engaged at Sabha schools, including teachers, preachers and support staff.

“Since the engagement of moral values teachers in Sabha schools dates back to 1988, the parents of Sabha school students can be rest assured that their children’s safety will remain paramount.

“The moral values teachers employed by the Sabha are well-trained in ethical values as well and the Sabha has not and will not hesitate in terminatin­g employment of an employee found breaching student trust.”

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