The Fiji Times

Watch your children

Commission­er sounds warning as wet weather continues


COMMISSION­ER Western Apolosi Lewaqai is pleading with parents and guardians to monitor their children as heavy rainfall continues over the division.

The plea comes after four drowning cases were recorded in the Western Division, three of which were young children.

“When we met with all of our HODs in the West, I advised them that this was something that we need to note, which is, infrastruc­ture can be replaced and can be fixed,” he said.

“But once a life is lost, that cannot be replaced.

“The message that we continue to spread out there to our people is, ‘please don’t take any risks’.

“Don’t cross any flooded bridges, rivers or streams that have very strong currents.”

He said if families needed to be evacuated, emergency first responders were on standby to assist.

“For any movement should the need arise, I am urging people to contact your nearest police station or emergency services or notify your community heads so that they can get in touch with us.

“We have seen that most of these drowning cases were due to laxity from our community.

“We know that we can’t beat nature so we need to respect it and heed the advice of the authoritie­s.

“I am especially urging our parents and guardians to please monitor your children.

“The school holidays have been extended and our children will be outside and playing in this rain but we need them to be supervised and be vigilant at all times.”

Two young boys from Nadi are believed to be the latest drowning cases after they were washed away by strong currents in the Korociri River last weekend.

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