The Fiji Times

Prioritise basics for effective policing – Chew


ACTING Commission­er of Police Juki Fong Chew has emphasised the need to get the basics of policing right as they continue to face challenges on the frontline. In a meeting with heads of the Fiji Police Operations Units last Monday to map its operations for the new first quarter of the financial year and discuss pertinent issues confrontin­g operations, Mr Chew said internal issues continued to drag them back.

“Get the basics right, as we are still facing challenges on the frontline. We still face challenges in customer service, conduct of investigat­ions, traffic, and complaints against service,” he said.

“We need to tie our service delivery to the annual corporate plan theme of optimum service delivery and provide services to the best and our fullest potential.

“Optimum service delivery has no end in our line of work, it will be there until we leave and with the next generation of police officers.”

Present during the meeting were divisional police commanders, deputy police commanders, directors, and operations managers.

Mr Chew also challenged senior officers to manage expectatio­ns through sound leadership.

“As leaders, we are expected to lead and manage the Fiji Police Force and therefore it is on us to encourage the officers under our command to achieve optimum service delivery.

“It’s a team effort, I cannot do it alone.”

A session will also be facilitate­d by the director of the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) on the National Emergency Response Team and search and rescue.

 ?? Picture: FILE ?? Juki Fong Chew.
Picture: FILE Juki Fong Chew.

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