The Fiji Times

‘Bua Bullet’ backs team


The FIJI Water Flying Fijians will need to be aware of their on-field decision-making against Australia tomorrow if they hope to win their second pool game of the Rugby World Cup.

This is the advice given to the team by former Flying Fijian Rupeni Caucaunibu­ca, who was considered one of the most dangerous wingers to set onto the rugby field.

“Their decision-making against Australia is very important if they want to win.

“Forget about making it to the quarterfin­als or the semi-finals and treat this next game as the final of the world cup,” the 43-year-old said.

Commonly known as Caucau and nicknamed the “Bua Bullet”, he said the boys would need to go all out on Monday ( tomorrow)as the Wallabies will be looking out to continue their winning run.

“Australia will also be looking for a win, and they will be coming out strong as well.

“And that is why the boys will need to give their 100 per cent when they step on the field on Monday.”

“There are many players out there who dream of wearing that white jersey, so the boys need to go out there and show everyone what they’re made of.”

He said it was only just and right for the people of Fiji to stand behind the team and support them despite the result.

“These are our boys going out there to make us proud, we should stand behind them and support them whatever the result may be.

“The team will also need our prayers and well wishes before their match against Australia.

Caucau said just by looking at the team’s performanc­e against Wales and England, anything was possible at this point.

“Just look at the way they played, if they can give their all, be aware of their decision-making, and trust one another, they will be able to go far into this tournament.”

He said when they play the Wallabies, they would need to have a different mindset if they hope to come out victorious.

“They need to have a totally different mindset when they play Australia. In our last game, it seemed as if we were playing against the referee and our opponents.

“And we should have that mindset because we know we cannot control the decision of the referee, so we should execute every sector of our game accurately.”

Fiji will take on Australia at 3.45am tomorrow.

 ?? Picture: FIJI RUGBY ?? Flying Fijian captain Waisea Nayacalevu and Peni Matawalu in action during their training session in France.
Picture: FIJI RUGBY Flying Fijian captain Waisea Nayacalevu and Peni Matawalu in action during their training session in France.

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