The Fiji Times

NGO receives $53k to fight cancer Bonus payments deferred Minister wants info on methodolog­y used


WALK On Walk Strong Fiji has received a gift of $53,241.40 from Value City that will boost WOWS Kids Fiji in their work of caring for children with cancer.

Handing over the gift, Value City managing director Vera Chute said the gift was part of its corporate social responsibi­lity with the funds raised through fundraisin­g by Value City branches and staff contributi­ons.

WOWs Kids Fiji is reliant on the gifts of benefactor­s to look after the 78 children presently under its care.

Ms Chute said the money would go towards the purchase of medicines for chemothera­py, transporta­tion, hospital support, fun days for children and funeral assistance. A small portion would be set aside for administra­tion costs.

WOWs Kids Fiji cofounder and chairperso­n Sina Kami said every dollar and hand lent to the childhood cancer NGO is like contributi­ng a brick towards the foundation of the organisati­on.

Ms Kami said funding was a constant limitation to its bid to assist and reach out to families caring for children with cancer.

Ms Kami, who founded the organisati­on after the death of her daughter in 2008 from the deadly disease, has managed to successful­ly steer the organisati­on as the leading NGO that provides support to

BONUS payments to pine landowners has been deferred, says Fiji Pine Ltd board chairman Ratu Rakuita Vakalalabu­re.

The deferred payment, he said, was because of the Minister for Forestry’s request to know the methodolog­y of the bonus payments.

His comments follow concerns and queries from pine landowners in Vanua Levu who said the bonus was to have been paid early this month.

“The bonus will be paid but has been deferred because the ministry has asked us to provide informatio­n on the methodolog­y used in calculatin­g the payments,” he said.

“The ministry has asked us to inform them whether the distributi­on is fair and equitable.

“So we have some homework to do and will inform the minister children and families battling the disease.

Recent statistics from WOWS Kids reveal that since its inception, it has noted an increase in cases registered with the NGO. As of September 1, it recorded 19 new cases which aligns with its average of 20 annually.

As many organisati­ons continue to recognise and support WOWS Kids in its work, Ms Chute said Value City would make the fundraisin­g towards the NGO an annual event. but the lease will be paid.” Landowners in Namuavoivo­i and Lekutu in Bua told this newspaper that the delayed bonus payment had affected their developmen­t plans of improving livelihood­s. The mataqali Tavua rep of Namuavoivo­i Village, Ratu Ilisoni Sanadali said they had already listed plans of where to use the bonus funds.

“But we can’t do that until the bonus payments is given,” he said.

“We don’t know why the payment has been delayed but we hope that the company pay us as soon as possible.” In Lekutu, turaga ni mataqali Naita Tevita Raiova said the bonus was to have been paid early this month. “Landowners are grateful to the minister for requiring that info from Fiji Pine, however, no one informed us,” he said.

“But we hope that the bonus will be paid soon so we can meet our plans.”

 ?? Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU ?? WOWS Kids Fiji chairperso­n and co-founder Sina Kami, left, with Navitalai Logaivau, 9, Mikaele Qalobogidu­a, 14, Elijah Moriah, 2, and Vakaloloma Sugu receive the cheque from Value City (SP) Pte Ltd managing director Vera Chute at the Api Tonga multipurpo­se hall in Suva yesterday.
Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU WOWS Kids Fiji chairperso­n and co-founder Sina Kami, left, with Navitalai Logaivau, 9, Mikaele Qalobogidu­a, 14, Elijah Moriah, 2, and Vakaloloma Sugu receive the cheque from Value City (SP) Pte Ltd managing director Vera Chute at the Api Tonga multipurpo­se hall in Suva yesterday.
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