The Fiji Times

A-G: Need to reform education laws


ATTORNEY-General Siromi Turaga says it is apparent that the law needs to be reformed when it comes to the education sector.

“Unfortunat­ely, after 10 years, this is the first education forum to be called,” Mr Turaga said.

“This education forum is basically to provide policy advice to the minister and the minister then discusses it with the permanent secretary.

“That has not been the case for a long time and we are trying to revive that again which is what we discussed during this summit.”

Mr Turaga said it was also important that roles of each senior official within the ministry be clearly mapped out.

“The permanent secretary will be responsibl­e for 80 per cent of the implementa­tion of the legislatio­n.

“The minister will give policy advice that supplement­s this. Not contradict or prohibit these general powers because they work in tandem.”

Mr Turaga said from the discussion­s yesterday, it was clear that there was a need for clear policy structures.

“I was fortunate to be in the same group with the former PS for Education and it was said that the structure was taken out when changes were being made in the past.

“There was very little consultati­on being done and it has caused problems. A very good illustrati­on of this is right now there is only one person that is dealing with policy and research within the entire Ministry of Education.

“It is part of our proposal to strengthen this area. For any organisati­on you need to encourage research.”

He said there was also a need to clearly distinguis­h the roles of partners and stakeholde­rs.

“Some are stakeholde­rs and not partners. Others are both like faith-based organisati­ons.

“There must be a clear demarcatio­n to recognise these sectors.”

 ?? Picture: REINAL CHAND ?? Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Siromi Turaga speaks at the Fiji National Education Summit held at the Sheraton Fiji Golf and Beach Resort in Denarau, Nadi.
Picture: REINAL CHAND Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Siromi Turaga speaks at the Fiji National Education Summit held at the Sheraton Fiji Golf and Beach Resort in Denarau, Nadi.

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