The Fiji Times

Ministry to address internet issue in rural areas

- By REPEKA NASIKO Permanent Secretary for Education Ministry Selina Kuruleca at the Fiji National Education Summit at the Sheraton Fiji Golf and Beach Resort in Denarau, Nadi.

GETTING internet to rural and maritime schools is a challenge that the Education Ministry will address as one of its key focuses moving forward.

This issue was thoroughly discussed at the National Education Summit with stakeholde­rs from the public, private and civil sector coming together to find solutions to the ongoing issue.

Education Minister Aseri Radrodro said with the advent of technology, Fiji could no longer be complacent and stay stuck in traditiona­l models of learning and teaching methods.

“COVID-19 has taught the world that we must move with time and as we look into the future with expectancy of more climate change challenges, more global shocks and meltdowns and global political upheavals, we will need to build strong resilient communitie­s that can survive the test of time,” said Mr Radrodro.

“These are important infrastruc­tural tools needed for us to be able to establish the equitable accessibil­ity to inclusive learning platforms like e-learning.”

Permanent secretary for Education Ministry Selina Kuruleca said 8 per cent of primary schools and 2 per cent of secondary schools were without internet connection.

“Those with internet connection, 10 per cent primary, secondary 5 per cent,” said Ms Kuruleca.

“Those with reliable internet connectivi­ty, primary school 82 per cent and secondary schools 94 per cent.”

She said most schools had access to ICT equipment.

“We have desktops in schools, laptops, tablets and projectors per school.

“On average, schools in the Central Division have an average of five, Eastern two, Northern two and Western 10.

“These are schools that have tablets, desktops, laptops and projectors per school.”


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