The Fiji Times

Battle of the voices

- Compiled by JONATHAN KUMAR

ON August 6, 1993, reported that this “was the typical sight yesterday” when the choir

–Report masters took to the rostrum as the annual Methodists Choir competitio­n entered its second day.

Groups came from all over the country.

“The choir competitio­n is being run with the national fundraisin­g drive, mainly by donation. By Wednesday the competitio­n had collected $13,000.

“The money, which will be used to pay for church expenses, is being collected in a soli (donation).

“There are 250 choir groups in the competitio­n which ends tomorrow.”

The newspaper quoted a spokesman as saying the amount of money being collected would be announced daily.

“A plate is moved around in the church and outside the church among the choir members and they contribute. After they sing, the money collected is announced,” the spokesman said, adding the competitio­n was getting bigger and better every year.

“We are getting good response and a lot of people are coming to listen.

“The participat­ing choir teams are well.”

The report said the categories included solo performers, duets, trio, quartet, polotu (traditiona­l hymns sung in a tune unique to Lau and Tonga), allfemale and all-male choirs, full church choirs, business houses, Sunday school, youth and school choirs.

“It is held ahead of the Methodist Church conference which begins in Bua from Sunday. The conference proper, Bose ko Viti, is being hosted by Bua Province, where church president the Rev Manasa Lasaro is from.

“Choirs from Vanua Levu and some from Viti Levu have elected to take part in a separate competitio­n at the conference venue.”

The money, which will be used to pay for church expenses, is being collected in a (donation)

 ?? Picture: KRISHNA MANI/FT ?? At left is Walesi Soqowasa, of Vunidakua Church choir, Cunningham Rd, Suva. At right is Tevita Ledua, of the Naqarani choir, from Noco, in Rewa.
Picture: KRISHNA MANI/FT At left is Walesi Soqowasa, of Vunidakua Church choir, Cunningham Rd, Suva. At right is Tevita Ledua, of the Naqarani choir, from Noco, in Rewa.
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