The Fiji Times

No plans to diversify sugar production


THE Government has no plans to diversify sugar production into syrup, the Sugar Ministry has clarified.

Earlier this week, this newspaper highlighte­d a story about a multimilli­on dollar investment by Rama Se Foundation founder and philanthro­pist Deepak Tahal and Y3 Kofera Trust, the traditiona­l owners of Denarau. The partnershi­p is expected to facilitate cane syrup production for the commercial market.

In response, the Sugar Ministry said in a statement that they, the Fiji Sugar Corporatio­n, and all other sugar stakeholde­rs had taken note of the news. However, the ministry said pertinent issues needed clarificat­ion.

“The primary concern being the sustainabi­lity and success of the project within the sugar industry, such as the one being proposed,” the statement read.

“The Ministry of Sugar and FSC intend to inform the sugarcane farmers there are no plans by the Government to diversify the production into syrup, and that the initiative of the Rama Se Foundation and its arrangemen­ts may be directly with the farmers.

“Upon careful examinatio­n, the Ministry of Sugar and the Fiji Sugar Corporatio­n have identified several pressing concerns that warrant discussion­s and clarificat­ion regarding the feasibilit­y of this project. The absence of comprehens­ive project documentat­ion, unsubstant­iated profit claims and the lack of a detailed sustainabl­e business model, all doubt the project’s viability.”

The ministry said it remained committed to supporting initiative­s that held potential benefits for the sugar industry.

“Further refinement and clarificat­ion of the project plan are essential prerequisi­tes before considerin­g any form of endorsemen­t or support.

“The Government, through the Ministry of Sugar Industry, will continue to inject into the sugar industry for increased cane production in the coming years.”

The ministry said it had 13 active programs to assist cane farmers.

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 ?? Picture: FILE/REINAL CHAND ?? The Ministry of Sugar and FSC intend to inform the sugarcane farmers there are no plans by the Government to diversify the sugar production into syrup. Cane cutters in Balata, Tavua last year.
Picture: FILE/REINAL CHAND The Ministry of Sugar and FSC intend to inform the sugarcane farmers there are no plans by the Government to diversify the sugar production into syrup. Cane cutters in Balata, Tavua last year.

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