The Fiji Times

Rugby in the Land Down Under


IT was that Fiji win in 1954 and our tour at the time, that helped to revive the game of rugby in Australia for the spectators, largely because of our carefree and free-flow style of rugby.

Isa, but our win this week in the World Cup, might just do the opposite for rugby in Australia, especially when we are now ranked suffer some inevitable consequenc­es.

EFL’s monopoly and almost complete strangleho­ld on the nation’s power supply, in spite of making a cool, handsome and reported profit of some $58 million in 2022, this organisati­on is today seeking a 32% increase in tariffs. How absurd, from an ordinary lay-man and caring Nadi retiree?

As a little voice for the silent majority, allow me, most respectful­ly, say: “No.”

The majority of domestic consumers simply cannot, and will not afford any increase, at this time. I repeat, the retirees and those struggling in the margins of society, are finding it challengin­g above them on the table.

We revived it, then we killed it! LOL!


Admiral Circle, Pacific Harbour to put three proper meals on their plates, each day and every day.

Many of us are forced to manage with two meals. Some, even less.

EFL’s monopoly as the nation’s energy provider must be broken. Competitio­n is very healthy. It forces you to do better.

Our very own proud national carrier, Fiji Airways, in the face of much competitio­n from Air NZ, Jet Star, Qantas and Virgin Australia, still manages to capture 70 per cent of their market in tourists. What a gem!

FJ is a very admirable “David and Goliath” living success story. They deserve a big round of applause for their sterling efforts under CEO and MD Andre Viljoen and his entire team. Cheers to them all! Simply awesome.

Energy Fiji Limited, with extreme care, due diligence and responsibi­lity, needs to take a page from Fiji Airways’ Standard Operating Procedures, in my view.

EFL’s monopoly, in spite of the healthy $58 million 2022 profit, is most uncaring and unhealthy, in my humble view, as I stand up for the silently struggling majority in society. EFL’s monopoly needs stiff competitio­n.

Monopolies do breed complacenc­y. I will, however, stand corrected, should I err, in this instance. And publicly apologise, accordingl­y.

 ?? Picture: MARTIN SERAS LIMA ?? FIJI Water Flying Fijians players celebrate their win against the Wallabies during the second pool match of the Rugby World Cup.
Picture: MARTIN SERAS LIMA FIJI Water Flying Fijians players celebrate their win against the Wallabies during the second pool match of the Rugby World Cup.

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