The Fiji Times

North bank staff donate blood to help save lives


INSPIRED by the 43 pints of blood donated by staff of the Westpac Suva and Lautoka branches during an organised blood drive earlier this year, the Labasa branch staff took it upon themselves to donate to the Blood Bank up north.

Westpac Fiji organised blood drives for staff in partnershi­p with the Fiji Red Cross Society and Fiji National Blood Services collecting a total of 23 pints of blood at the Lautoka Branch and 18 at the Suva branch. Fiji National Blood Services nurse Wame Tokonivalu said over a 100 pints of blood were used daily nationwide and one pint of blood could save as many as three lives.

“Volunteer donors help us replenish stock and supply the national demands daily. Volunteer donors are important in maintainin­g a good supply and we are grateful for corporate partnershi­ps like the one with Westpac as this helps us reach our target and continue to save Fijian lives,” Mr Tokonivalu said.

Westpac Chief Executive Shane Smith said, “Westpac is proud to support the Fiji Red Cross Society in organising and mobilising our people to donate blood. Our support is a reflection of our commitment to our people and communitie­s.”

Two employees at the Labasa branch visited the Labasa Blood Bank and donate blood.

Seinibici Khan from the Customer Processing Support team said she had been donating blood since her university days and was first inspired to do this by a friend who works in the blood bank at the Colonial War Memorial Hospital in Suva.

Masako Kamilo, who volunteere­d to donate a second time said, “I donate blood because I know I am doing my part in helping save a life.”

“I know finding someone to donate during difficult times can be hard. I started donating blood when my cousin’s baby needed blood and since then I made a commitment to donate blood,” she said.

The financial institutio­n says they are proud of the partnershi­ps forged over the years with organisati­ons like the Fiji Red Cross Society and that the drive was just one of many upcoming projects aimed at giving back to society.

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Masako Kamilo, left, shares a moment with her colleague Senibici Khan after donating blood in Labasa.
Picture: SUPPLIED Masako Kamilo, left, shares a moment with her colleague Senibici Khan after donating blood in Labasa.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Staff and members of the public were encouraged to blood donations.
Picture: SUPPLIED Staff and members of the public were encouraged to blood donations.

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