The Fiji Times

Triple bottom line

Shifting smaller businesses from informal to formal sector


SOLEYA, a management consultanc­y company, has dedicated itself to the aid of micro enterprise­s; one woman’s passion project to uplift aspiring entreprene­urs in a nation that she now calls home.

Mrs Noellie Garand, managing director of Soleya, holds a diploma in Innovation Management and two master’s degrees: one in Policy Studies and another in Developmen­t Management.

With over 30 years of internatio­nal experience in her field, those Fijians who have joined hands with her have received access to a wealth of knowledge, nurture and interest in their businesses.

“Soleya is a social enterprise committed to helping micro-entreprene­urs take their business to the next level,” Ms Garand said.

“That is a business model I would like to bring to the forefront for Fiji.”

“A lot of people do pro bono work in Fiji but outside the scope of their company. The minute it comes to the company it’s about self-service. Companies need a triple bottom line and social entreprene­urship is the right business model for me. You need to make money because if not, it just isn’t sustainabl­e, but you can make money and along the way still make a difference.”

A triple bottom line model for a company emphasises the need to place social and environmen­tal interests on par with the prosperity of the company.

From business training sessions for new entreprene­urs, designed for their specific proficienc­ies and realities, to offering grants and support to young business owners with a vision, Soleya has become a key supporter of several local MSMEs.

One such young man, ginger farmer Nemani Radrole says, “I count myself lucky and blessed to be in Noellie’s circle of friends, and I would like to say that Noellie has helped me in many ways I couldn’t have never imagined.”

Having heard the young entreprene­ur had hoped to continue his studies in Animal Science to further his farming endeavours, Ms Garand bought him a laptop and has since approved a grant of $3000 for Mr Radrole and his business.

“It will help me prepare more land and expand my business,” he said.

“I always look up to Noellie for life and decision-making advice. I very much respect Noellie. She has been family to me from the first day I met her.”

“My main objective is to shift smaller businesses from the informal sector to the formal sector because if you stay in the informal sector, you won’t be able to develop,” Ms Garand said.

The company has offered such support to small pet care business Pawfect Pets, guiding owner Razia Rashid through the process of

Founder and director of Soleya, Noellie Garand.

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 ?? Picture: SOLEYAFIJI.COM ?? Soleya is committed to helping young entreprene­urs like ginger farmer Nemani Radrole.
Picture: SOLEYAFIJI.COM Soleya is committed to helping young entreprene­urs like ginger farmer Nemani Radrole.
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