The Fiji Times

World Bank reform welcomed Authors sue OpenAI

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and Stability AI over the data used to train their AI systems.

Other authors involved in the latest lawsuit include “The Lincoln Lawyer” writer Michael Connelly and lawyer-novelists David Baldacci and Scott Turow. Representa­tives for OpenAI did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment on Wednesday.

OpenAI and other AI defendants have said their use of training data scraped from the internet qualifies as fair use under US copyright law.

Authors Guild CEO Mary Rasenberge­r said in a statement on Wednesday that authors “must have the ability to control if and how their works are used by generative AI” in order to “preserve our literature.”

The Authors Guild’s lawsuit claims that the datasets used to train OpenAI’s large language model to respond to human prompts included text from the authors’ books that may have been taken from illegal online “pirate” book repositori­es.

The complaint said ChatGPT generated accurate summaries of the authors’ books when prompted, indicating that their text is included in its database.

It also cited growing concerns that authors could be replaced by systems like ChatGPT that “generate low-quality ebooks, impersonat­ing authors and displacing human-authored books.”

NEW YORK - A senior official organising the upcoming COP28 United Nations climate summit in the United Arab Emirates endorsed the early work of the new World Bank chief on Wednesday, but said more needed to be done to finance the transition to a low-carbon global economy.

Majid Al Suwaidi, director general of COP28, which will be held in Dubai in December, said reforming developmen­t institutio­ns like the World Bank was a priority.

“The reform conversati­on is one that I have been pleasantly surprised by,” Mr Al Suwaidi told Reuters during the annual UN general assembly in New York.

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 ?? Picture: REUTERS ?? Director-general of COP28 climate conference, Majid Al Suwaidi, speaks with Reuters on the sidelines of the Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany.
Picture: REUTERS Director-general of COP28 climate conference, Majid Al Suwaidi, speaks with Reuters on the sidelines of the Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany.

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