The Fiji Times

MOU to serve vulnerable­s


A CHARITABLE organisati­on, JP Bayly Trust, whose mandate is to provide food, and medical assistance for as many as 500 underprivi­leged families in Fiji has partnered with the Fiji Cancer Society (FCS) to help vulnerable communitie­s in Fiji.

This was made possible as both parties signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MOU) recently.

The MOU formalises an agreement representi­ng the interest of two organisati­ons to work in collaborat­ion to enhance the outcomes of their respective scope of work in serving vulnerable communitie­s.

The agreement also formalises a partnershi­p to mutually support their individual mandates through the principle of positive working relationsh­ips and shared resources for better results.

JP Bayly Trust chairman Digby Bossley says in 2023, Bayly Trust will complete 70 years of charity work in Fiji in 2024. The trust has branches in Suva, Lautoka and Labasa.

He said the MOU would also increase the visibility and impact of the two organisati­ons working in collaborat­ion in Fiji as both organisati­ons were well establishe­d to aid the needy.

FCS president Makrava Wilson said JP Bayly Trust has been quietly working behind the scenes to improve the lives of vulnerable communitie­s and have had great outcomes with the support provided to the families.

“This partnershi­p is timely for the cancer society as we work towards improving the lives of our vulnerable communitie­s in Fiji together,” Mr Wilson said.

He said through the newly formed partnershi­p, this would mean FCS patients would be able to access the services of Bayly Trust.

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