The Fiji Times

‘An innovative partnershi­p for capacity building’


USP students will benefit from learning experience­s gained with a specialist digital transforma­tion consulting firm— Spirit of Endeavour—from Malaysia.

This follows the signing of a deal between USP and Spirit of Endeavour.

Both organisati­ons had agreed on a partnershi­p focussing on capacity-building, enterprise skills developmen­t, as well as research and knowledge sharing.

Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica said the Government welcomed the public and private partnershi­p initiative.

“This is promising the creation of an innovative partnershi­p for capacitybu­ilding,” he said.

“And knowledge sharing which will benefit not only the student community of USP but also other stakeholde­rs, including various government agencies as well as the private sector.”

Mr Kamikamica said the partnershi­p would also become a blueprint for the concept of strategic collaborat­ions for the future of education, innovation and enterprise developmen­t.

“This surely ensures the future progress of Fiji and our fellow Pacific Island neighbours who are all part of the grand alliance of USP.”

While the underlying emphasis will be in the area of digital technology, both parties had also agreed to expand this collaborat­ion to cover other related skill sets suited to the transforma­tion process, as well as that which is covered by the framework of USP’s faculties.

Endeavour is a Malaysia-based consulting firm which specialise­s in digital innovation and transforma­tion. It establishe­d its reputation with successful digital government transforma­tion projects in the ASEAN region, as well as in Africa.

In 2022 Endeavour was appointed by the Fiji Government as the Integrated Project Manager for the Fiji Ease of Doing Business Project.

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