The Fiji Times

High risk of dropout Children failing in the critical category in LANA – permanent secretary


LOW learning levels in early years will lead to school dropouts in higher levels, says Education permanent secretary Selina Kuruleca.

She said this was found in data collected by the ministry which showed students who failed in the Literacy and Numeracy Assessment­s – LANA.

“The low learning levels in early years flags potential failure and dropouts in later years,” said Ms Kuruleca.

“Children failing in the critical category in LANA, one of the formative assessment tools that we use are at high-risk and those in the basic level are at a medium risk of failure and dropout in later years.

“So, if a child’s literacy in Year 5 is at 16 per cent, there is a 16 per cent chance of them failing, 59 per cent are at the basic level, 14 per cent are proficient while 12 per cent are advanced.

“What happens to these same people if we had to compare them over the years is that they will begin to fail. The people who are in the basic category move to critical and the critical move out completely.

“This is the failure rate in our Literacy and Numeracy Assessment­s of our children.”

Ms Kuruleca said the most at risk of failing were boys, especially those from rural areas.

She added that 31 per cent of boys and 9 per cent of girls dropped out between Years 8 and 12.

“And who else is at greatest risk? Rural children, 39 per cent of our rural children drop out between Years 8 and 12. Boys and rural children also score lower on the LANA test.”

So, if a child’s literacy in Year 5 is at 16 per cent, there is a 16 per cent chance of them failing ...

Selina Kuruleca

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