The Fiji Times

Warmth of people and delightful dishes leaves lasting impression


MY one-week stay in Chengdu, one of the biggest cities in China, has had a profound impact on my life. Although it was a short visit, the warmth of the people and the delightful dishes left a lasting impression on me.

Throughout the week, I had the opportunit­y to visit several incredible places. And I can tell you it seemed like I was revisiting the vivid memories of a dream as I had only seen the type of scenery there in movies.

After all, my life before this had only been centred around Wainiveidi­o, Navua and Suva, and comparing the hustle and 1 bustle of Chengu to home is virtually impossible! The highlight of my visit was witnessing giant pandas for the first time. These incredible animals fascinated me, and being able to see them in person was truly amazing. Their playful nature and adorable appearance made me appreciate the importance of wildlife conservati­on — something I will discuss with the boys in my “yasa” when I return home.

Another unforgetta­ble experience was cycling along Tianfu Greenway. Cycling is something we do in Fiji, but experienci­ng it in one of the world’s largest greenways was a unique and exhilarati­ng experience. The vibrant greenery and peaceful atmosphere provided a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. And if there is one message I would like to share with the authoritie­s in Fiji, it’s this — we need safe cycling spaces to minimise emissions and ensure the safety of cyclists.

During week in Chengdu, I had a lovely night cruise along Jinjiang River. It felt like I was living out a movie scene - I thoroughly enjoyed the picturesqu­e views and the serene ambiance. The glittering lights and the reflection of the city on the river created a mesmerisin­g sight, making it a perfect way to end my stay in Chengdu.

As I head back to Beijing to continue my two-month program at the China Internatio­nal Press Communicat­ion Centre, I am filled with excitement and motivation. The experience­s I had in Chengdu have broadened my horizons and given me a deeper appreciati­on for Chinese culture and its natural wonders. 3

I will delve deeper into the various aspects of my stay in Chengdu and how it has impacted my personal growth. From the welcoming locals to the delectable cuisine, each element has contribute­d to my overall experience. Furthermor­e, I will explore how the visit to the giant pandas, cycling along Tianfu Greenway, and the night cruise on Jinjiang River have shaped my perspectiv­e on nature, conservati­on, and the importance of experienci­ng different cultures.

I am grateful for the opportunit­y to explore Chengdu, and I am excited to share my experience­s with others . This one week stay has not only left me with unforgetta­ble memories but has also ignited a desire to continue exploring the beauty and diversity of China.

 ?? ?? 3. Sanse Rd in Chengdu, China.
3. Sanse Rd in Chengdu, China.
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