The Fiji Times

Keep your living spaces clean

- By RUSIATE VUNIREWA Living spaces hygiene – Why? Kitchen hygiene – Why?

PROPER hygiene practices in your home keeps your living spaces clean, healthy, and comfortabl­e. Hygiene products designed specifical­ly for the home play a vital role in keeping living areas, food preparatio­n areas, bathrooms, and bedrooms clean and comfortabl­e, as well as efficientl­y cleaning your laundry items. These products help make household chores as quick and painless as possible, giving you time to spend enjoying other activities.

Having a clean, hygienic home also helps to make it a relaxing place to unwind, or to welcome and entertain guests.

You are unlikely to pick up pathogens from the living spaces in your home. But keeping these areas clean and free from debris, dust, dust mites and animal hair can make them more comfortabl­e environmen­ts to be in, as well as healthier.

For example, dust particles from the floor and other surfaces can be dispersed into the air, potentiall­y triggering an allergic reaction if inhaled.

Mould can grow on surfaces that are prone to dampness. And debris can be attractive to pests such as insects and rodents, which carry germs in and on their bodies and can transmit these germs to us by direct contact (such as biting) or by indirect contact (contaminat­ing our food, surfaces, or equipment).

Would you rather eat off your chopping board or off your toilet seat?

Research findings indicate the toilet seat to be the better option!

The kitchen is the room with the most bacteria in the home, including bacteria from human or animal waste ('faecal coliforms'). Even the kitchen sponge or dishcloth could be the most contaminat­ed site of all those tested, with over one million times the number of bacterial colonies found on the toilet seat.

Fecal coliforms are among the many pathogens that can cause food poisoning if they enter the human body. If your household includes young children, pregnant women, elderly or immunocomp­romised people, they are likely to be particular­ly susceptibl­e to food poisoning.

You can keep your homes safe by using cleaning products from Motibhai as it especially helps you eliminate germs from your homes and leave your house clean.

Theres is a wide range of products that you can choose from to keep your kitchen sparkling.

You can use Cif products to clean your kitchen counters and sink after preparing food.

Food stains and dust must be mopped away, and Cif Floors solution is perfect for your floors.

Deep clean your stoves using Jif Cream to get your cooktop sparkling and eliminatin­g those greasy and oily stains after cooking.

Wash your dishes with Sunlight dishwashin­g paste or liquid soap leaving your dishes smelling good and ready to be used again.

For your toilets Domestos is the best cleaning products that guarantees killing 99.99% of bacteria and viruses. How great is that!

Lastly, get your clothes smelling fantastic and linen clean with OMO Ultra-Fast Clean.

Theres more that Motibhai offers to help you maintain proper hygiene practices at home.

 ?? Picture: AGNI.COM ?? Hygiene products designed specifical­ly for the home play a vital role in keeping living areas, food preparatio­n areas, bathrooms, and bedrooms clean and comfortabl­e, as well as efficientl­y cleaning your laundry items.
Picture: AGNI.COM Hygiene products designed specifical­ly for the home play a vital role in keeping living areas, food preparatio­n areas, bathrooms, and bedrooms clean and comfortabl­e, as well as efficientl­y cleaning your laundry items.
 ?? Picture: BESTLIFEON­LINE.COM ?? Hygiene products designed specifical­ly for the home play a vital role in keeping living areas, food preparatio­n areas, bathrooms and bedrooms clean.
Picture: BESTLIFEON­LINE.COM Hygiene products designed specifical­ly for the home play a vital role in keeping living areas, food preparatio­n areas, bathrooms and bedrooms clean.
 ?? Picture: CLEAN-LEMON.COM ?? The kitchen is the room with the most bacteria in the home, including bacteria from human or animal waste (‘feacal coliforms’).
Picture: CLEAN-LEMON.COM The kitchen is the room with the most bacteria in the home, including bacteria from human or animal waste (‘feacal coliforms’).

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